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First Spaceflight of an Educator Astronaut Barbara R. Morgan - B.A. Human Biology, Stanford University - Teaching Credential, College of Notre Dame, Belmont,

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Presentation on theme: "First Spaceflight of an Educator Astronaut Barbara R. Morgan - B.A. Human Biology, Stanford University - Teaching Credential, College of Notre Dame, Belmont,"— Presentation transcript:


2 First Spaceflight of an Educator Astronaut Barbara R. Morgan - B.A. Human Biology, Stanford University - Teaching Credential, College of Notre Dame, Belmont, California - First selected by NASA in 1985 as the backup candidate for Teacher in Space Program, and again in 1998 as the First Educator Astronaut

3 “Explore and discover. Learn and teach. Build and share.” “It’s what NASA and teachers and parents do.” Barbara Morgan

4 First Spaceflight of an Educator Astronaut Occurs 21 years after Challenger Selected as an astronaut in 1998 Educator flies as mission specialist –a trained astronaut –fully functional crewmember Features education activities –not “lessons from space” Actively supports the education community

5 Mission Overview Launch date – Targeted June 28, 2007 Duration – 14 days Crew –Commander: Scott Kelly –Pilot: Charlie Hobaugh –Mission Specialists: 1-Tracy Caldwell 2-Rick Mastracchio 3-Dave Williams (CSA) 4-Barbara Morgan –ISS Crewmembers Clay Anderson (up) Sunita Williams (down) Crew training – began in May 2006 ISS Assembly

6 Mission Activities Overview Equipment transfers Four spacewalks to install the S5 TRUSS Robotic operations (ESP-3 External Stowage Platform) Replacement of the Control Moment Gyroscope-3 (CMG) ISS Crew member handover SPACEHAB Education

7 13A.1 A B

8 NASA’s Education Programs & Initiatives Strengthen NASA and Nations’ future workforce Attract and Retain students in STEM disciplines Engage Americans in NASA’s mission

9 Promotion/ Engagement Includes: Promotion by NASA Centers, Awareness Opportunities, Education Activities, Educator Professional Development Promotion/ Engagement Includes: Promotion by NASA Centers, Awareness Opportunities, Education Activities, Educator Professional Development Pre-Mission On-Orbit Activities Includes: Downlinks, Payload Operations On-Orbit Activities Includes: Downlinks, Payload Operations Mission Ground Based Education Activities Includes: National Engineering Design Challenge, Astronaut Appearances Ground Based Education Activities Includes: National Engineering Design Challenge, Astronaut Appearances Post-Mission STS-118 Education Plan Overview Vision: Engage students, educators, and the public in the Vision for Space Exploration through the adventure of STS-118 and the flight of the first Educator Astronaut.

10 Education Plan: Pre-Mission Phase Identify education activities Highlight NASA Opportunities Develop Engineering Design Challenge Promotion by NASA Centers within their regions Awareness opportunities: Conferences & presentations, etc. Educator Professional Development Primary delivery mechanisms: web/multimedia technology tools Utilize NASA’s Digital Learning Network

11 Education Plan: Mission Phase 14 day mission On-orbit education activities –Live interactive education downlinks with the crew –Payload: plant growth chambers & seeds Mission related ground based activities –Engineering –Sustaining Life

12 Education Plan: Post-Mission Phase Engineering Design Challenge - Students design and build plant growth chambers - Students conduct experiments in growth chambers - Fall 2007 Implementation Education Events/Astronaut Appearances - February 21-23, 2008 International Technology Education Association (ITEA) Conference Salt Lake City, Utah Educator Astronaut Barbara Morgan scheduled to deliver the keynote address. - March 27-30, 2008 National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Conference Boston, Massachusetts Keynote address by Educator Astronaut Barbara Morgan. - April 9-12, 2008 Salt Lake City, Utah National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Conference Educator Astronaut Barbara Morgan as a presenter.

13 Get Connected to 118 Local NASA Field Center Education Office Local Educator Resource Center Local NASA Representative NASA Education workshops STS-118 Website Sign-up for NASA Express mail Register for Engineering Design Challenge National & State conference workshops

14 For additional information visit:

15 From the Mission Page

16 Educational Organizers For organizations interested in participating in the STS-118 launch and mission activities please contact: Mike Green NASA Headquarters Ed Pritchard NASA JSC


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