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2 nd LARP / HiLumi Collaboration Mtg, May 9, 2012LHQ Goals and Status – G. Ambrosio 11 LHQ Goals and Status Giorgio Ambrosio Fermilab 2 nd LARP / HiLumi.

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Presentation on theme: "2 nd LARP / HiLumi Collaboration Mtg, May 9, 2012LHQ Goals and Status – G. Ambrosio 11 LHQ Goals and Status Giorgio Ambrosio Fermilab 2 nd LARP / HiLumi."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 nd LARP / HiLumi Collaboration Mtg, May 9, 2012LHQ Goals and Status – G. Ambrosio 11 LHQ Goals and Status Giorgio Ambrosio Fermilab 2 nd LARP / HiLumi Collaboration Meeting FNAL May 7-9, 2012 BNL - FNAL - LBNL - SLAC LHQ Task Leaders: Coil Fabrication + Instrum & Traces – J. Schmalzle (BNL), R. Bossert and M. Yu (FNAL), R. Hafalia (LBNL) Mechanical Structure & Assembly – H. Felice (LBNL) Test preparation and test – G. Chlachidize (FNAL) Materials – A. Ghosh (BNL) and D. Dietderich (LBNL)

2 2 nd LARP / HiLumi Collaboration Mtg, May 9, 2012LHQ Goals and Status – G. Ambrosio 22 LHQ Features & Goals LHQ is the main “Nb 3 Sn technology demonstrator” —For technology selection for the LHC IR upgrade —Deadline: 2014-15 Aperture: 120 mm (as HQ) Coil x-section: 2 nd generation HQ Coil length: 3.4 m (~as LQ) Success criteria: —Nominal gradient = 80% of SSL based on extracted strands HQ/LHQ Grad ~ 160/175 T/m (@ 4.2/1.9 K) —Quenches to nominal gradient: 3 —Quenches to 110% of nominal gradient: 10 —Quenches to nominal gradient after therm. cycle: 1 —Magnetic requirements from HL-LHC Design Study

3 2 nd LARP / HiLumi Collaboration Mtg, May 9, 2012LHQ Goals and Status – G. Ambrosio 33 Conductor Strand for LHQ: — 0.778 mm — OST RRP 108/127 Jc: > 2650 A/mm 2 (4.2K 12T) Jc: > 1400 A/mm 2 (4.2K 15T) Cu/non_Cu: 1.22 Effective Filament size: ~52 um — Ta or Ti doping Ta for practice coils 5 UL with Ta and 5 UL with Ti for LHQ01/02

4 2 nd LARP / HiLumi Collaboration Mtg, May 9, 2012LHQ Goals and Status – G. Ambrosio 44 Cable and Insulation Cable: — With 25 um stainless steel core — As in “2 nd generation” HQ coils Insulation: — 0.1 mm per side — Baseline: braided S2 glass Tests in progress at NEEW: 15 mm wide cable. 1 st trial with S2 glass with 933 binder, 15 m 14.8 mm wide cable. 2 nd trial with S2 glass with 933 binder, 97 m

5 2 nd LARP / HiLumi Collaboration Mtg, May 9, 2012LHQ Goals and Status – G. Ambrosio 55 Cross Section LHQ X-Section = Revised HQ X-Section — thinner and less wide cable — Improved insulation strength: 500 um layer-layer insulation Coating of metal parts Thicker insulation under protection heaters — New design of saddle extensions for electrical connections

6 2 nd LARP / HiLumi Collaboration Mtg, May 9, 2012LHQ Goals and Status – G. Ambrosio 66 Coil Fabrication Technology Same coil fabrication technology of revised HQ — winding (Ti-Al-V pole parts) — curing of ceramic binder (CTD 1202) — potting (CTD 101K) — reaction (T = 210, 400, 650 ° C) 650 ° C plateau for 48 hours Long coil features: — gaps among pole pieces (for longitudinal diff. CTE) 4 mm/m as in latest HQ coils — Lifting and handling procedures used for LQ coils

7 2 nd LARP / HiLumi Collaboration Mtg, May 9, 2012LHQ Goals and Status – G. Ambrosio 77 Cooling channels through pole/island Middle long keys: 6 pairs A =7054.51 mm 2 Φ 6.73 Φ 6.73 Φ 5.11 Φ 5.11 Φ 6.73 Φ 6.73 in mm δ = A hole /A 0.45% 0.45% 0.29% 0.29% 0.45% 0.45% Σδ = 2.4% 2.5% 2.4% 3.2% 2.7% Using existing holes

8 2 nd LARP / HiLumi Collaboration Mtg, May 9, 2012LHQ Goals and Status – G. Ambrosio 88 Supporting Structure Supporting structure: — X-section: LHQ = HQ With holes for cooling — Scale up-features similar to LQ Segmented shell (4) Al-collars, pads and yoke made of laminations Masters and keys 2m long Dedicated talk in this session

9 2 nd LARP / HiLumi Collaboration Mtg, May 9, 2012LHQ Goals and Status – G. Ambrosio 99 Quench Protection Analysis performed with QuenchPro and Roxie Experimental data from HQ (1m) and LQ (4m) — LHQ can be protected by extracting some energy (R = 40 m  ) and using LQ type heaters on coil ID and OD —T peak < 400 K (without quench back) — V max < 1000 V Dedicated talk in this session

10 2 nd LARP / HiLumi Collaboration Mtg, May 9, 2012LHQ Goals and Status – G. Ambrosio 10 FNAL structural plate FOUR SUSPENSION RODS Test Test at FNAL VMTF: — T = 4.6 – 2.3 K no superfluid He with present top plate — support similar to HQ test at CERN — new He recovery line — new warm bore for magnetic measurements: 63-68 mm ID

11 2 nd LARP / HiLumi Collaboration Mtg, May 9, 2012LHQ Goals and Status – G. Ambrosio 11 LHQ Schedule | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 Practice coils Coil test in mirror Structure develop. & mech. model LHQ01 coils (5) LHQ01 assembly & test LHQ01b assembly & test LHQ02 coils (5), assembly & test 4 + 10 coils, 1 coil test, 3 magnet tests by Fall 2015 Tooling and parts procurement

12 2 nd LARP / HiLumi Collaboration Mtg, May 9, 2012LHQ Goals and Status – G. Ambrosio 12 Conclusions The LHQ is LARP’s last step for demonstrating Nb 3 Sn technology for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade It builds upon the whole LARP R&D (HQ, LQ, …) with contributions from other programs LHQ magnet test results are expected in 2014 - 15

13 2 nd LARP / HiLumi Collaboration Mtg, May 9, 2012LHQ Goals and Status – G. Ambrosio 13 Additional slides

14 2 nd LARP / HiLumi Collaboration Mtg, May 9, 2012LHQ Goals and Status – G. Ambrosio 14 Fabrication and Test Plan Cable: — Cabling: LBNL — Insulation: NEEW (or other vendor) Coils: — Winding & curing: FNAL — Reaction & potting: BNL, LBNL — Instrumentation: BNL, FNAL, LBNL — Shipment structure (long version of HQ one): BNL Structure: — Pre-assembly & magnet assembly: LBNL — Shipment similar to LQ Test: — Warm and cold measurements: FNAL

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