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Google Coordination FGDC Coordination Group Meeting August 7, 2007 Tony LaVoi NOAA Coastal Services Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Google Coordination FGDC Coordination Group Meeting August 7, 2007 Tony LaVoi NOAA Coastal Services Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Google Coordination FGDC Coordination Group Meeting August 7, 2007 Tony LaVoi NOAA Coastal Services Center

2 Background – Why is this Topic on the Agenda? NOAA is in discussions with Google on licensing for Maps and Earth products Three principal issues for NOAA End User License Agreement for Earth Client Licensing options for Pro / Enterprise Client Evaluation of Fusion / Server Potential for broader federal agreement with Google?

3 Over 200 Million Users Google Geospatial Products Maps Hosted solution for Web based maps API for integration into websites Enterprise edition for with full support level agreement Google Earth Free, Plus and Pro versions Pro: Import data in text or GIS formats High resolution printing Fastest performance V4 introduced on 6/12/2006 Google Earth Enterprise Create your own custom Earth Integrate large geospatial datasets Support thousands of users Connected or disconnected systems V4 EC client/Fusion 2.6 to be introduced Q1 2007 Over 30,000 Websites

4 Current Google Earth Client Software Versions Google Earth – free version for home/personal use, non- commercial via EULA Google Earth Plus – paid version for home/personal use, non-commercial via EULA, $20/year Google Earth PRO – main commercial version, $400/year ($375 on GSA Schedule) Google Earth EC – ability to talk to enterprise and hosted databases, same features as PRO plus time-animation and WMS overview maps Is there a potential for Google to offer a Google Earth viewer for business/commercial use similar to Adobe Reader?

5 Earth End User License Agreement The Software is made available to you for your personal, non-commercial use only. You may not use the Software or the geographical information made available for display using the Software, or any prints or screen outputs generated with the Software in any commercial or business environment or for any commercial or business purposes for yourself or any third parties.

6 Fusion and Server Technology Google Earth Server consists of 2 main products Fusion machine ingests data, re-samples & re-projects it, and stamps out a “flyable globe” The resulting “flyable globe” is then copied to the Google Earth Server to be made available to users Questions and issues to resolve Server specifications/optimization and data storage requirements Access to ‘NOAA globe’ via Google Earth clients Real-time data access IT security implications

7 DepartmentAgencyGoogle Agreement?Google Discussions?POC DHS No ???Chris Barnard DOC NOAANoYesTony LaVoi, Kim Owens CensusMaybeYesRandy Fusaro, Rachael Taylor DOD USACENoYesNancy Blyler NGAYes Randy Flynn, Eric Schwarz, Chris Ashebrener NavyNoYes DOE DOEd DOI USGS/FGDCNoYesBob Pierce, Mark Negri USFWSNoYesDouglas Vandegraft DOJ DOL DOS STATENo David Smith, Ray Milefsky DOT NoYesMark Bradford EPA NoYesMatt Leopard, Ana Greene GSA HHS Agency Use of Geospatial Technologies (GOS Methodology) Tier 1 (High) Tier 2 (Moderate) Tier 3 (Low) Quick Survey of Google Discussions

8 DepartmentAgencyGoogle Agreement?Google Discussions?POC HUD NoYesSam Gallagher NARA No NASA Yes Myra Bambacus NRC NSF OPM SBA Smith SSA Treas USAID USDA Forest ServiceNoYesSusan DeLost NRCSNo VA Agency Use of Geospatial Technologies (GOS Methodology) Tier 1 (High) Tier 2 (Moderate) Tier 3 (Low) Quick Survey of Google Discussions

9 What to Do Next? Is there a desire and/or opportunity to work jointly with Google on a basic solution for all Federal agencies? GSA SmartBuy Geospatial Line of Business Others?

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