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Physics Prospects at FAIR Marcus Bleicher Institut für Theoretische Physik Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies Goethe Universität Frankfurt Germany.

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Presentation on theme: "Physics Prospects at FAIR Marcus Bleicher Institut für Theoretische Physik Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies Goethe Universität Frankfurt Germany."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics Prospects at FAIR Marcus Bleicher Institut für Theoretische Physik Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies Goethe Universität Frankfurt Germany

2 Marcus Bleicher, Confinement 2012 Thanks to Hannah Petersen (Hybrid model)  now at Duke Jan Steinheimer (Hybrid / EoS)  now at LBL Marlene Nahrgang (Chiral Hydro)  now at Nantes Bjoern Baeuchle (Photons) Elvira Santini (Di-Leptons) Jochen Gerhard (GPU code) Yurii Karpenko (development of visc. hydro w/Nantes group) Hannu Holopainen, Pasi Huovinen (hydro freeze-out) Hendrik van Hees, (heavy quark Langevin) Dirk Rischke (original SHASTA implementation) Frankfurt

3 The experiments Marcus Bleicher, Confinement 2012 Heavy Ions up to Ebeam=35 AGeV Anti-protons up to 15 AGeV Ultra high luminosity  rare probes  high precision

4 Status of FAIR M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Greece 4 20122011201020132016201520142017 foundation of FAIR company, 4 Oct. 2010 building applications preparation of construction site start installation of accelerators and detectors construction of FAIR – SIS-100 start of construction: construction permit and 526 MEuro funding received completion of structural works tenders 2018: data taking

5 Status of the Accelerator 5 Dipole magnets for SIS-100 Dipole magnets for SIS-300 Prototypes for industrial mass production have been developed. Important milestone: SIS-100 dipole series has been tendered. Breakthrough in July 2012: Successful test of the first curved prototype dipole (DISCORAP Collaboration, LASA lab, INFN Milan, Italy) fields up to 4.5 T field ramps (currently limited to 0.4 T/s) Babcock-Noell M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Greece

6 Status of the accelerator 6 Winter 2011/12 Summer 2011 Spring 2012FAIR site preparation M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Greece

7 What happens around √s NN = 5 -10 GeV? Marcus Bleicher, Confinement 2012

8 CBM physics topics and observables Onset of chiral symmetry restoration at high  B  in-medium modifications of hadrons ( , ,   e + e - (μ + μ - ),D) Deconfinement phase transition at high  B  excitation function and flow of strangeness (K, , , ,  )  excitation function and flow of charm (J/ψ, ψ', D 0, D ,  c ) (e.g. melting of J/ψ and ψ')  excitation function of low-mass lepton pairs  disappearance of quark-number scaling of elliptic flow The equation-of-state at high  B  collective flow of hadrons  particle production at threshold energies (multistrange hyperons, open charm?) QCD critical endpoint  excitation function of event-by-event fluctuations (K/π,...) Marcus Bleicher, Confinement 2012

9 The environment We have two new facilities available:  FAIR  NICA And we have the running programs at  SPS (NA61)  RHIC-BES (STAR/PHENIX) Marcus Bleicher, Confinement 2011

10 10 ExperimentEnergy range (Au/Pb beams) Reaction rates Hz Observables,  s NN = 8 GeV hadrons flow, fluct., correl. dileptons di-e/di-µ charm STAR@RHIC BNL  s NN = 7 – 200 GeV 1 – 800 (limit luminosity) yes no NA61@SPS CERN E kin = 20 – 160 AGeV  s NN = 6.4 – 17.4 GeV 80 (limit detector) yes no MPD@NICA Dubna  s NN = 4.0 – 11.0 GeV ~1000 (at design luminosity ) yes no CBM@FAIR Darmstadt E kin = 2.0 – 35 AGeV  s NN = 2.7 – 8.3 GeV 10 5 – 10 7 (limit detector) yes Experiments on super-dense nuclear matter M. Deveaux, FAIRNESS Workshop, 3. – 8. Sept 2012, Hersonissos, Greece

11 Marcus Bleicher, Confinement 2012 Outline Very short introduction Fluctuations Charm Hypermatter Dileptons Photons Conlcusions

12 The phase diagram Marcus Bleicher, Confinement 2012 CEP is potentially between muB=250-500 MeV  ECM=5-20 AGeV From Bravina, Bratkovskaya, Bleicher

13 From the lattice to data (I) Large fluctuations are observed around the transition temperature  potentially observable in data  Higher moments of the distribution, higher sensitivity to correlation length Marcus Bleicher, Confinement 2012 Cheng, PRD79 (2009)

14 From the lattice to data (II) Non Gaussian fluctuations Look for higher moments (non-regular parts) Marcus Bleicher, Confinement 2012 STAR vs Karsch, Redlich, Stephanov, Friman Cheng, PRD79 (2009)

15 Latest results from STAR Marcus Bleicher, Confinement 2012 Taken from Lizhu Chen, QM2012

16 CEP or not? No support for CEP seen in recent studies However, even if it is there one needs dynamical models that include CEP  Chiral hydrodynamics Marcus Bleicher, Confinement 2012 Endroedi et al,arxiv:1102.1356Fodor, Katz, hep-lat/0111064 Philipsen, arxiv:1009.4089

17 Polyakov loop extended sigma model Marcus Bleicher, Confinement 2012  See works by M. Nahrgang, C. Herold, I Mishustin, K. Paech Include kinetic term for the loop Couple fields to hydro evolution M. Nahrgang et al, Phys.Lett. B711 (2012) 109, Phys.Rev. C84 (2011) 024912

18 Obtain full dynamics of the fields in an expanding medium Marcus Bleicher, Confinement 2012 Reheating of the systemEvolution of the fluctuations Long range correlations at CEP C. Herold, M. Nahrgang, M.B. in preparation

19 Charm physics Explore D mesons in the medium Search for new decay channels due to lowering of D mass See e.g. Rapp, Zhao, Tolos,... Marcus Bleicher, Confinement 2012 From Bratkovskaya, Cassing See also recent works by T. Lang, H. van Hees

20 Charm drag in matter Expect strong modification of charm flow in case of QGP Marcus Bleicher, Confinement 2012 From Bratkovskaya, Cassing From Zhu, MB, Zhuang, Xu Fix the drag by observation of DDbar correlations

21 The Phi drops out Marcus Bleicher, Confinement 2012 STAR, A. Schmah Violation of NCQ scaling at 11 AGeV Onset of the QGP? FAIR allows higher precision and charm!

22 Hyper matter Marcus Bleicher, Confinement 2012 Metastable Exotic Multihypernuclear Objects Consisting of Lambdas, Xis Stabilized due to Pauli blocking Life time up to 10-5 s E.g. H-Dibaryon... See talk by Jan Steinheimer

23 FAIR is the sweet spot Marcus Bleicher, Confinement 2012 Andronic, PBM, Stachel et al.

24 Estimates for MEMO yield Marcus Bleicher, Confinement 2012 Steinheimer, Petersen, Mitrovski,MB Large abundance of MEMOs are produced No restriction to single strange clusters Explore YY interaction

25 Marcus Bleicher, Confinement 2012 Di-Leptons from/in the medium Santini, Bleicher (2010)

26 Virtual Photons (Di-Leptons) Marcus Bleicher, ERICE 2012 Self energy obtained from V.Eletsky, M. Belkacem, P. Ellis, J. Kapusta, Phys. Rev. C64 (2001) 035202 Santini, M.B. J. Steinheimer, PRC (2010) NA60 data

27 Marcus Bleicher, Confinement 2012 Comparison to NA60 data Santini, M.B. J. Steinheimer, PRC (2010)

28 Direct Photons: Hadronic/partonic Marcus Bleicher, Confinement 2012

29 Photon rates: hadronic and partonic Hadronic rate parametrization: QGP rate: Insert all rates into the hybrid model and compare to data. S. Turbide, R. Rapp, C. Gale, Phys. Rev. C69 (2004) 014903 P. Arnold, G. Moore, L. Yaffe, JHEP 0112 (2001)009

30 Channels: Hadronic/Partonic/pQCD Partonic emission enhanced w.r.t. hadronic emission More so in chiral EoS calculations Marcus Bleicher, Confinement 2012

31 Direct Photon spectra at SPS and FAIR Partonic EoS hits data Similar sensitivity expected at FAIR, shining QGP! WA98, PRL 85 (2000) 3595, Bäuchle, MB, PRC 81 (2010) 044904 Marcus Bleicher, Confinement 2012

32 What could be done at FAIR (CBM) In-medium properties of hadrons using dileptons (rho, omega, phi, D) Multi-strange hadrons (phi, Omega), charmed hadrons (D, J/Psi)  flow measurements with high stats Exotic bound states (e.g. MEMOs) E-be-E fluctuations Color superconductivity – pre cursors Quarkyionic matter Marcus Bleicher, Confinement 2012

33 The physics challenges The onset of deconfinement  parton-hadron phase transition  CEP Hadron properties at high baryon density Equation of State of QCD  Speed of sound Hypermatter & Exotica  High precision measurements  High precision theory Marcus Bleicher, Confinement 2012

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