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Inherited Diseases © 2013 Project Lead The Way, Inc.Medical Detectives.

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1 Inherited Diseases © 2013 Project Lead The Way, Inc.Medical Detectives

2 Types of Inherited Diseases Recessive –Requires a mutated copy of the gene from each parent for child to have the disease.

3 Types of Inherited Diseases Dominant –Requires a mutated copy of the gene from only one parent for the child to have the disease.

4 Examples of Inherited Diseases Tay Sachs Hemophilia Cystic Fibrosis Huntington’s Disease Polycystic Kidney Disease Hemachromatosis Sickle Cell Disease

5 Cystic Fibrosis What is it? A recessive genetic disease caused by the production of abnormal, thick, sticky mucus. What is the outcome? Death caused by lung infections usually before age 35. What are the symptoms? Coughing and wheezing Diarrhea Chronic lung infections

6 What is it?A dominant genetic disease caused by the deterioration of nerve cells in the brain. What is the outcome? Continual decline in mental and physical ability; death usually occurs 15 to 20 years after onset. What are the symptoms? Difficulty walking Uncontrollable body movements Memory and cognitive impairment Huntington’s Disease

7 What Causes Inherited Diseases? Genetic material of a cell is changed, causing a change in the cell’s and ultimately the body’s function which lead to a disease. The genetic material is deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and contains the instructions for the growth and development of the individual. The changed genetic material is passed from parent to child.

8 Image Resources By Français : Domaina [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons By Kashmiri, based on earlier work by Domaina [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons By KES47 (File:Chromosome zh.svg) [CC-BY-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

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