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How to use quotes effectively and properly. “ ”. “Quotation marks are like the road signs you see when you enter and leave the city.

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Presentation on theme: "How to use quotes effectively and properly. “ ”. “Quotation marks are like the road signs you see when you enter and leave the city."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to use quotes effectively and properly. “ ”

2 “Quotation marks are like the road signs you see when you enter and leave the city.

3 4-Steps: Introduce it. Quote it. Cite it. Punctuate it.

4 Introduce it. EXAMPLES: In the words of researchers Redelmeier and Tibshirani, “…” As Matt Sundeen has noted, “…” Patti Pena, mother of a child killed by a driver distracted by a cell phone, points out that “…”

5 Quotes can be written with an introduction before the quote… According to a survey conducted by the National Constitution Center (NCC) in 1998, “52 percent of teenagers have a television in their bedrooms.” IntroductionQuote + Introduce it.

6 Quotes can be written with the introduction after the quote… “52 percent of teenagers have a television in their bedrooms,” according to a survey conducted by the National Constitution Center (NCC) in 1998. IntroductionQuote + Introduce it.

7 Any time you use any word from someone else’s words, you must quote him or her. Quote it.

8 When quoting, you must be careful to do it properly or it is plagiarism… 1. Do not cut and paste from the internet 2. Do not copy word-for-word without using quotation marks, even if you give a source citation at the end of your sentence

9 Quote it. 3. Do not replace a few words with synonyms, keeping the basic sentence structure; you are still stealing the sentence structure 4. Do not paraphrase without the parenthetical citation to indicate its original source

10 When you quote, you must show the reader where to look in the bibliography. Cite it.

11 “Just as the signs define the city limits, quotation marks show where speech begins and ends” (O’Conner 119). O, Conner, Patricia T. Woe is I Jr. New York: Scholastic, 2007. When you quote, you must show the reader where to look in the bibliography. Cite it.

12 QUOTED According to California State Senator Brad Nichols, selling soda “undermines the good habits that parents are trying to instill” (Thompson 24). Page the quote was found on Cite it.

13 Always start with the item listed first…

14 Cite it. So, your paper would look like this if you have the author’s name… According to the author of 30 Great Sci-Fi Stories, nearly 80 percent of all Star Trek fans are male (Adams 132). The last name of the author and the page that fact was listed on.

15 Cite it. …or, like this if you don’t. The publication name and the page that fact was listed on. Science Fiction based on “imagined science” that pertains to society or individuals (The Encyclopedia Galactica 391).

16 Cite it. If the author was already introduced in your text, you only need the page number. WORKS CITED ENTRY Sundeen, Matt. “Cell Phones and Highway Safety: 2000 State Legislative Update.” National Conference of State Legislatures. Dec. 2000. ESSAY Matt Sundeen notes that drivers with cell phones place an estimated 98,000 emergency calls each day” (25).

17 Cite it. Page numbers may also not be available. In this case, you would simply cite the source without a page number. Science Fiction based on “imagined science” that pertains to society or individuals (The Encyclopedia Galactica).

18 When you quote, you must show the reader where to look in the bibliography. QUOTED According to California State Senator Brad Nichols, selling soda “undermines the good habits that parents are trying to instill” (Thompson 24). Did you notice the parentheses?

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