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Broad-acre cropping research Geoff Dean Peter Johnson Rob Howard Brett Davey.

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Presentation on theme: "Broad-acre cropping research Geoff Dean Peter Johnson Rob Howard Brett Davey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Broad-acre cropping research Geoff Dean Peter Johnson Rob Howard Brett Davey

2 Addressing limitations to high value grain crops GRDC Breeding dual purpose feed wheats for HRZ GRDC / CSIRO G x E combinations for productive cropping systems GRDC / DPI Cropping rotations and variety testing

3 Assisting growers achieve yield potential in the HRZ GRDC / DPI Disease and canopy management GRDC / FAR Improved WUE of rainfed and irrigated farming systems GRDC Management strategies for poppies on raised beds HAL / SFS Crop management

4 Investigating stubble management systems GRDC;NRM N Increasing adoption of SR and DD with new tech. CFOC / SFS Improving IWM in conservation farming systems GRDC / SARDI Stubble management

5 Soil and water management Improving soil management for sustainable production NLP / SFS Addressing key limitations to high value grain crops GRDC Improving irrigation WUE and reducing soil leakage NLP / SFS Improving WUE in poppy production HAL / SFS

6 Dual fodder and grain crops for farming systems GnG / SFS Grazing management of dual-purpose winter wheat MLA Increasing WUE in mixed crop/livestock systemsGnG(GRDC) Mixed farming systems

7 Acknowledgements All funding bodies (in partic. NRM North!) All funding bodies (in partic. NRM North!) Grower co-operators Grower co-operators

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