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1 ST Comesa Business Council Transporters and Logistics Services Dialogue.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ST Comesa Business Council Transporters and Logistics Services Dialogue."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ST Comesa Business Council Transporters and Logistics Services Dialogue

2 Presentation Prepared By: Gupta Hemrazlall GOPAUL President Professional Association of Freight Forwarders Mauritius 17 th September 2015

3 Constraint faced by the private sector in transport services Industry

4 Association Professionnelle des Transitaires de l”Ile Maurice Professional Association of Freight Forwarders of Mauritius Despite we have shifted from the ASYCUDA systeam to the Cargo Community Systeam we still have to face heavy delays due to multiple permits process requirement from other agencies. Same will be sorted out with the comming into operation of the single window syteam

5 Association Professionnelle des Transitaires de l”Ile Maurice Professional Association of Freight Forwarders of Mauritius Despite tremendous investment in the Port we are still facing heavy delays to get clearance and facility for vehicles for entering and leaving the port.

6 Association Professionnelle des Transitaires de l”Ile Maurice Professional Association of Freight Forwarders of Mauritius At the port space avaiable for examining of containers is limited to abbout 5 at a time.We must pay the handling agent namely Cargo Handling Co to get a fork list.Very often we do not get driver and there is only one fork list avaiable for verification.When there is break down we had to suffer delays.Big problem of equipments.To invest in proper equipment.

7 Association Professionnelle des Transitaires de l”Ile Maurice Professional Association of Freight Forwarders of Mauritius We have diffent organisations offering service at the Port. The shedule of operation difer as well as Lunch time. This cause great inconvenience and affect delivery activities. We must be able to work 24/7.

8 Association Professionnelle des Transitaires de l”Ile Maurice Professional Association of Freight Forwarders of Mauritius Lack of man powers in the private company as well as the MRA Customs.We are not making maximum use of new IT technologies and communication systeam such as EDI,emails and webcam.

9 Association Professionnelle des Transitaires de l”Ile Maurice Professional Association of Freight Forwarders of Mauritius There is only one Scanner and when there is break down of Scanner we suffer delays. In some cases Customs do scanning and at the same time a physical verification which we consider duplication of work and losiing time.

10 Association Professionnelle des Transitaires de l”Ile Maurice Professional Association of Freight Forwarders of Mauritius We strongly recomend the implementation of logistic councils whose role would be to set up and reveiew regulatory framework and code of ethical conduct in line with high degree of professionalism expected by the business community.

11 Association Professionnelle des Transitaires de l”Ile Maurice Professional Association of Freight Forwarders of Mauritius

12 Thank You

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