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Smoking less than 20 cigarette s won’t hurt you! People who do not smoke will be harmed by breathing in the smoke from others.

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4 Smoking less than 20 cigarette s won’t hurt you! People who do not smoke will be harmed by breathing in the smoke from others.

5 Every cigarette you smoke, will shorten your life by 14 minutes. A cigarette contains 4,000 chemicals, 70 of which cause cancer. Ammonia in cigarettes, is also found in cleaning products.

6 Why young people start smoking?  Peer pressure  To look cool  To relieve boredom  Their parents smoke  To lose weight

7 What is in a cigarette?

8 The Dangers Of Smoking  CANCER!  Heart disease  Circulation problems  Breathing difficulty  Bronchitis  Nicotine

9 Smoking…not cool  Yellow teeth and fingers  Smelly breath and clothes  More likely to get wrinkles around the eyes and mouth  More likely to get spots and pimples

10 Say NO! to smoking  Be honest “ I don’t want to take one- it’s dangerous so I won’t” “ I don’t want to take one- it’s dangerous so I won’t”  Walk away “I’m going to go somewhere else instead”  Answer back “Go anyway, I’m not trying it”  Stand up for yourself “Just because you chose to smoke doesn’t mean I have to”

11 HOW TO QUIT SMOKING Think Positive Make non- smoking friends Join a support group Take up a new hobby

12 COMPETITION TIME  Create a speech, song or video (no longer than 5 minutes) to encourage people not to smoke. Single or Group entries  PRIZE FOR THE BEST PUPIL AND STAFF ENTRY!


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