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Text structure refers to the ways that authors organize information in text.

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Presentation on theme: "Text structure refers to the ways that authors organize information in text."— Presentation transcript:

1 Text structure refers to the ways that authors organize information in text.

2 Structure (Organization) FICTIONNON-FICTION Story Elements: Characters Setting Plot Problem/Solution Cause and Effect Description/Generalization Compare and Contrast Sequence/Chronological order

3  The writer explains the reasons for an event or phenomenon. Cause is why something happened. Effect is what happened.  Example: So many Bald Eagles were killed by pesticides and illegal hunting. They were in danger of becoming extinct.

4  Shows how two or more ideas, objects or processes are alike and/or how they are different.  Example: Golden Eagles are apt to hunt for prey while Bald Eagles are more likely to take an easy meal.

5  Describes items or events in order or tells the steps to follow to do something or make something.  Example: Golden Eagles soar high along ridges near their nests. Then, they search for prey. Finally, when a meal is spotted, they attack in a long swoop.

6  Tells about a problem (and sometimes says why there is a problem) then gives one or more possible solutions.  Example: Bald Eagles are quickly coming to the point of extinction. One answer to the problem is to create stricter laws enforcing imprisonment of these animals.

7  A topic, idea, person, place, or thing is described by listing its features, characteristics, or examples.  Example: Bald Eagles are beautiful creatures. For instance, they have a blackish-brown back and chest. They have a white head, neck, and tail. Bald Eagles can also soar as high as 10,000 feet.

8 All of the following passages are about goosebumps. Read each one and see if you can figure out which type of paragraph it is.

9 1. Goose bumps make me shiver. First I get cold. Then I shake all over. After that, my teeth begin to chatter. 2. Goose bumps make me shiver. When the temperature drops below 45 degrees, my skin crinkles into goose bumps. 3. Goose bumps make me shiver. But they disappear as soon as I cover up with a jacket or sweater.

10 4. Some people get goose bumps from fear. Others get goose bumps when they are touched emotionally. 5. Goose bumps make me shiver. I get little bumps on my skin. They look like sesame seeds.

11 Goose bumps make me shiver. First I get cold. Then I shake all over. After that, my teeth begin to chatter.

12 Goose bumps make me shiver. But they disappear as soon as I cover up with a jacket or sweater.

13 Goose bumps make me shiver. I get little bumps on my skin. They look like sesame seeds.

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