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Objective: Students will know the steps, in order, of the scientific process. How we will do it… 1. Scientific process power point 2. Ordering the steps.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: Students will know the steps, in order, of the scientific process. How we will do it… 1. Scientific process power point 2. Ordering the steps."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: Students will know the steps, in order, of the scientific process. How we will do it… 1. Scientific process power point 2. Ordering the steps activity 3. Scientific process practice

2 (on notes page) 1) Experimentation is an important aspect of science. What is the most interesting experiment you have ever done? Why did you enjoy it so much?

3  A detailed inquiry or systematic scientific examination. Huh? Inquiry- a systematic search for the truth or facts about something Systematic- doing something in order, according to steps or a procedure

4 Scientific Investigation You have a question and you find the answer Mystery to solve Detailed inquiry or systematic examination

5 Scientific Process

6 1. State the problem 2. Research background information 3. State the hypothesis 4. Design experiment 5. Conduct experiment and make observations 6. Data collection and analysis 7. Conclusion

7 State the Problem What are you trying to figure out?

8 Research background information What don’t I know about this problem?

9  If… then statement  If [I do this], then [this] will happen  Example: If I open the faucet then it will increase the flow of water.

10 Write your hypothesis under number 3 on you notes page  Chocolate may cause pimples.  Temperature may cause leaves to change color.  Plant growth may be affected by the color of the light.

11 Design an experiment List out all of the steps of your experiment.

12 Problem or Question: Can Carmelo Anthony dunk the basketball? Background info: The hoop is 10 feet high. Anthony is 6 ft 8 in tall and can jump 3 feet Hypothesis: IF Carmelo Anthony is 6 ft 8 in tall and he can jump 3 feet high, THEN he can dunk the basketball on a 10 foot hoop.

13 Design experiment 1. Get a basketball. 2. Get a basketball hoop. 3. Get Carmelo Anthony 4. Hand Carmelo Anthony the basketball. 5. Tell Carmelo Anthony to slam dunk the basketball.

14 Conduct the Experiment Here is where you get to do your experiment! Make observations as you are doing your experiment.

15 1. The volcano is erupting. 2. The T-Rex is going to eat the stegosaurus. 3. The stegosaurus will run into the water to escape. 4. There are plants growing in the water. 5. The climate is warm. 6. The stegosaurus is eating the plant. 7. The stegosaurus is an herbivore. 8. There are bones from a dead animal by the shore. 9. The T-Rex killed the animal. 10. Lava is oozing down the sides of the volcano.

16  How are you going to measure success or failure in your experiment?  Do the observations and data you collected make sense?

17 Collect data and analysis How high did Carmelo jump? Was he able to dunk the basketball? How high can his arms reach? How many times could he dunk the basketball after 10 tries?

18 Conclusion Did you prove your hypothesis or disprove? What other information do we need to find out?

19 Cycle of Process

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