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Adolescent Immunization Competition March 27, 2011 North Carolina Community Health Center Association Marti Wolf, RN, MPH Clinical Programs Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Adolescent Immunization Competition March 27, 2011 North Carolina Community Health Center Association Marti Wolf, RN, MPH Clinical Programs Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adolescent Immunization Competition March 27, 2011 North Carolina Community Health Center Association Marti Wolf, RN, MPH Clinical Programs Director

2 North Carolina National > 1 Td or Tdap 73.8 %76% >1 Tdap 54.7 %56% >1 Mening 46.8 % 54% >1 HPV 50.3% 44% > 3 doses HPV 30.5%27%

3 North Carolina Meningococcal Vaccine Rates (4/2005 -6/2009): < 10% 70 - 89% 30 - 40% 50 – 69% 10 – 20 % > 90% Mening Data courtesy of SanofiPasteur

4 Step 1: Recruitment Informational Webinar ◦ Adolescent immunization schedule ◦ Rules for participation ◦ Using NCIR Clinical Newsletter Random annoying emails Follow up, follow up, follow up

5 Who participated? 18 primary care practices ◦ MDs ◦ FNPs ◦ 1 pediatric NP All were Community Health Centers (Federally Qualified Health Centers) Locations included: Carrboro, Siler City, Burlington, Moncure, Hendersonville, Asheboro, Yanceyville, Murfreesboro, Wilson, Ahoskie, Lumberton, Fairmont, Maxton, Hendersonville


7 Step Two: Baseline Data

8 Adolescent population size by clinic

9 Starting rates by vaccine % immunized


11 Step 3: Intervene Tap into existing Quality Improvement ◦ PDSAs- Collaboratives ◦ TOTS Provide resources ◦ Information ◦ Patient education materials ◦ Automated call back systems ◦ Recall mailers ◦ Weekly emails, website ◦ Encouragement

12 Interventions: AFIX A = assessment - or the assessment reports for initial and follow-up rates F = feedback - data, such as the missing immunization reports to identify who was missing vaccines I = incentive - in this case, the contest X = exchange - the trainings on the NCIR, the best practices, and the

13 Relative Improvement Rates

14 Lessons Learned Recall Works ◦ Letters to parents ◦ Front desk making phone calls AFIX process works ◦ Use the NCIR to identify/track/follow up Overall improvement during April was 26% (using same calculation method as for determining Relative Improvement Rates)

15 Next Steps

16 Acknowledgements & Resources NC Immunization Program SanofiPasteur New partner Cervical Cancer Free NC

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