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IM A LEADER IN THE RA WORLD!. MEET STEPHANIE Born: June 26 th 1989 About to attend her 3 RD year at Western Major: Psychology w/minor in Communications.

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Presentation on theme: "IM A LEADER IN THE RA WORLD!. MEET STEPHANIE Born: June 26 th 1989 About to attend her 3 RD year at Western Major: Psychology w/minor in Communications."— Presentation transcript:


2 MEET STEPHANIE Born: June 26 th 1989 About to attend her 3 RD year at Western Major: Psychology w/minor in Communications Lived in the Residents Hall for 2 years Favorite place on campus is outside the PAC Favorite Color: Green Favorite Animal: Panda Favorite Movie: A Walk to Remember Role Model: Mother (CKASH) Favorite Quote: “Be the Change you Wish to See” -Gandhi

3 Meet Brittnee About to attend her 3rd year at Western Favorite Color: Any shade of pink Favorite Activity: Taking pictures because they are memories that will last forever. Major: Marketing w/minor in Psychology Makes lists when stressed Favorite Drink: Coffee Favorite Spot: Near the water Born: Nov. 25 th, 1988

4 Leadership Identity Development Model

5 AWARENESS “ I nvolved a beginning recognition that leadership was happening "out there somewhere.”... Leaders were also authority figures in their lives such as their school principals or mothers. Some students were not very aware of leaders or leadership at all.”

6 “Freshman year, I remember heading to my room for the first time and seeing a sign for a mandatory stack meeting. I attended the meeting the next day after I was settled in and that was when I met my resident advisor. I was a little intimidated by her at first because I did not know that she was just another student here at Western, but instead saw her as the RA and the RA only. I saw her as the policy maker and someone that I should not make mad. I knew I needed to respect her and gave her more respect because I saw her as the leader of my stack. To me she was the only leader who was in charge of all the residents and that no one else could take her place.” -SJ

7 “I remember my move in day my freshman year at Western, I was so nervous. I didn’t know what to expect or where to go or what to do. But later that day I meet my R.A. she came and introduced herself and before I knew it, she was helping to move everything in. I was grateful and as she left she handed me a flier that had all kinds of information about the activities that were going on, including a floor dinner that night. Throughout that first week my R.A. was so at ease getting our floor to go to the social events and get to know each other. From that first encounter I knew that if I needed something, information or even someone to talk to, she was someone I could turn to.” -BA

8 EXPLORATION/ ENGAGEMENT “ S tudents began to experience themselves interacting with peers by seeking opportunities to explore their numerous interests. They sought new friendships in group settings…”

9 “My RA approached me one day and told me that I should try to be a part of Hall Council. In order to be in it I would have to run against an opponent. At first I was hesitant but then I finally decided that this was something I was interested in. I ran and won the position of Hall Council Treasurer and felt like a stronger part of my community. Because not only did I work hard at getting the position, but I built new connections and made new friends along the way. I felt as though this was making a leader out of me within my stack and my community.” -SJ

10 “During my freshman year I remember going to great events that my RA coordinated with my friends. So when the time came to have residents help plan some events, I couldn’t wait for the chance!” -BA

11 LEADER IDENTIFIED “ S tudents in this stage believed that leadership was a position, and therefore, the person in that position was the leader. If one was not the positional leader, then one was a follower or group member and looked to the leader for direction. They believed the responsibility of the leader was to get the job done.”

12 “As the year progressed I became more personable with the resident advisors in my community. They gave me information on what the job entailed and how to get active. I became more and more interested and decided to apply and see what being a Resident Advisor was all about. I went through the five meeting interview process and was hired to take the Spring class. I was ready to take on the position that I had been looking up to for the past year.” -SJ

13 “I loved the RA’s in my community and envied the way that they got to know everyone and plan fun events. So I began to ask them questions about being an RA until I decided to apply. I was nervous for all the interview processes. Thankfully I was hired, I couldn’t have been more excited!!” -BA

14 LEADERSHIP DIFFERENTIATED “ P articipants differentiated their view of leadership and saw it as what an individual did as a positional leader, but also saw leadership being exhibited by non-positional group members. Leadership also began to be thought of as a process.”

15 “During the Resident Advisor training class, I enhanced my leadership skills by learning about social differences, such as privilege. I was able to then see leadership and development in my classmates and my friends with the information I processed. Around this time I also realized that the students that are really involved in their community become a voice to be heard; and have just as much power and leadership skills, if not more, than their Residents Advisors.” -SJ

16 “The RA class was an eye opening, skill enhancing experience. Not only did we learn different models of leadership and how to create an inclusive community but we also learned about people. In a sense, we had to take the blinders off. We were challenged to see the everyday struggles of many different types of people, simple things that we may take for granted. Through this learning process I realized that those people had amazing strengths because of those obstacles and could bring those strengths to our communities.” -BA

17 GENERATIVITY “ S tudents showed an ability to look beyond themselves and express a passion for their commitments and care for the welfare of others (Erickson, 1968). The choices they made based on their interests in stage three now became commitments to more transcendent purposes”

18 “Finally, Fall quarter of 2008 had begun and my residents were in my community. I was nervous at first because I did not know what to expect exactly and I wanted to make sure that I had a strong balance between being a good RA verse being their friends. I was able to focus myself on what my residents needed from me as well as what I needed for myself. I was not focused just on myself but took on my leadership role and cared about those around me as well.” -SJ

19 “I was so excited to start Fall quarter and finally begin to be an RA. However, I was nervous about being able to balance being “the RA” and being just Brittnee, a friend. I wanted to be someone like my RA had been to me, if my residents needed something I wanted them to know I was there. But I also learned that first quarter that I need to make sure to balance what my needs were, or I couldn’t help my residents; this was a balance I struggled to keep.” -BA

20 INTEGRATION/ SYNTHESIS “ I ntegrated their view of themselves as effective in working with others and had confidence they could do that in almost any context. They did not need to hold positional leader roles to know they were engaging in leadership. If they said, "I am a leader," they meant they could work from anyplace in the organization to accomplish its purposes. They recognized they would always have a great deal to learn from others and were open to the continual process of self-development. As they encountered new contexts, they assessed these situations to find their fit and their role in the new group.”

21 “By the end of the year I felt as if I knew my job well, beyond its description. I had more confidents for myself and could recognize and deal with conduct competently. I was not afraid to stick up for myself, my co-workers, and my residents; and developed and relationship of respect with my residents. I was a leader in the RA World.” -SJ

22 “Looking back now, the end of the year came so quickly! And yet I learned so much about my residents and myself. I knew that I could stand up for the beliefs of others and myself without hesitation. I knew I could do this because I had such a great respect for my relationship with my coworkers and residents. This was an experience of a lifetime and I know that because of it I have become a stronger leader.” -BA

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