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The 1975 Britain and Europe Referendum Dr Robert Saunders, Queen Mary University of London.

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Presentation on theme: "The 1975 Britain and Europe Referendum Dr Robert Saunders, Queen Mary University of London."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 1975 Britain and Europe Referendum Dr Robert Saunders, Queen Mary University of London

2 ‘A Fanfare for Europe’


4 ‘The Government has announced the results of the renegotiation of the United Kingdom’s terms of membership in the European Community. Do you think that the United Kingdom should stay in the European Community (Common Market)?’ YES NO

5 ‘Sainsbury’s Says Yes’

6 ‘Yes’: ‘Britain in Europe’

7 ‘No’: National Referendum Campaign

8 National Referendum Campaign:£8,000 Britain in Europe:£1.9 million Government Grant to each side:£125,000

9 Britain in Europe The Daily Mail The Guardian The Mirror The Sun The Telegraph The Times National Referendum Campaign The Morning Star The Spectator


11 Leadership

12 Tony Benn Enoch Powell Barbara Castle Michael Foot




16 Women and the Referendum


18 ‘Jobs for the boys’

19 Wales in Europe



22 ‘After years of drift and failure, the Common Market offers an unrepeatable opportunity for a nation that lost an empire to gain a continent’.

23 The Cold War


25 ‘A Seventies Crisis?’

26 The Three Day Week, 1974


28 Referendum Day, 5 June

29 ‘Do you think the UK should stay in the European Community (Common Market)?’ NO 32.8%


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