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How does Work? Some of our Clients 05 Today´s Challenge is set by:

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2 How does Work?

3 Some of our Clients 05

4 Today´s Challenge is set by:

5 © Allen & Overy 201 ALLEN & OVERY Fast Facts 4965 People 526 Partners 184 Trainees 60 Vacation Students Turnover for 2014 £1.23 bn 46 offices in 32 countries

6 © Allen & Overy 201 Where we have offices… ALLEN & OVERY

7 Want to know more?

8 The Challeng e “What would you do on your first day as Prime Minister?” Tell us in 200 words… “Find enough clever things to say, and you’re a Prime Minister, write them down and you’re Shakespeare” George Bernard Shaw

9 The Prize 200 students offered a place at an Allen & Overy skills and assessment day, where every student will receive a City & Guilds certificate for their efforts and input. 60 students offered a place on the award winning Smart Start work experience programme, accredited by City & Guilds!

10 The Smart Start Programme 200 successful students will be invited to take part in a skills and assessment day in London where they will receive a City & Guilds certificate. From this 200, 60 students will be offered a place on a week of work experience at the Allen & Overy London office. This work experience is accredited by City & Guilds. The work experience is aimed at building confidence and developing skills. You’ll also get the chance to network with business professionals and peers from other schools. Smart Start participants continue to receive advice and support via e-mentoring for the following year as well as an opportunity to apply for financial support towards the costs of University. Smart Start gives Year 12 students the chance to spend a week at Allen & Overy and gain a real insight into the world of business

11 What do these people have in common? They all know how it feels to have that first day as Prime Minister of the UK – it’s their chance to start implementing what they have promised and make changes in their own lives!

12 Allen & Overy are experts in law, but they don’t make it! That is the job of Parliament. When a new law is proposed it is the job of the two houses to debate and then vote on whether a particular law should be passed. House of CommonsHouse of Lords It can take a long time for a new law to be passed, so a new Prime Minister has to get started on their very first day!

13 Your response to the question can focus on either the public or private aspect of being Prime Minister. It is the most public of office, but they are still human beings, a lot will change as soon as you walk through that door! Deliver manifesto promises Introduce new laws Change policies Get to know the local community Volunteer for charity Get to know your new staff What will be your priority on your first day as Prime Minister?

14 What issues and problems in UK society are you passionate about? Mind map your own personal concerns and then pick your top three which you will focus on right away. For example: Taxation Overseas military intervention House Prices Issues Religious Extremism ‘Trolling’ on social media Poverty MP’s expenses Unemployment Immigration What needs to change? Lack of females in parliament

15 The Solution – How would you go about solving it on your first day? Overseas Military Intervention ImmigrationHouse Prices Public referendum to make the decision Set figure of immigrants allowed in a calendar year Freeze rents in high demand areas to make renting more attractive Japanese style constitution forbidding any engagement of UK military except for self defence Introduce Australian ‘points’ system to ensure qualified immigrants who will fill much needed skilled jobs Government mortgages for 18-30 year olds

16 Prime Ministers go on a personal journey during their time in office. Think about what skills you need to have to be Prime Minister… Skills e.g. Confidence Patience Humour Good listener Debating skills Persuasive language Knowledge of social media Presentation skills Flexibility Resilience How will these skills help you to make the changes you want to see on your first day in office?

17 Tell Us! Now you have your idea it is time to articulate it in just 200 words. That’s not a lot so use this rough structure to help you stay within the word limit: What are you focusing on and why is it important to you? (50 words) What is the first thing you would do on your first day as Prime Minister? (100 words) Who will be affected by your changes and actions? (25 words) How will you start to make these changes on your first day? (25 words)

18 Top Tips Who are you writing for? Keep it simple Sentences and paragraphs What’s your point? Tone Creativity Avoid awkward sentences Clear, punchy, compact sentences One paragraph, one idea, one example Read it out loud, if it’s hard to say it’s hard to read!

19 Submission Time! (10mins) Thanks for your time and hard work, it’s submission time! Fill in a personal details form with your details Place it on top of your 200 word document You can enter as many times as you like @:

20 What issues are you focusing on? What is the solution? Tell us in 200 words Submit Challenge closes…. Summary Jan 2015

21 What now?


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