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Presentation on theme: "POPULATION CHANGES AND ECOSYSTEMS Biology I Mrs. Price."— Presentation transcript:


2 BELL WORK  Which of the following is a density-dependent limitation on population growth?  A) wildfire C) unlimited nutrients  B) competition D) severe drought  Which of the following is a density-independent factor?  A) impact of an object from space C) predation  B) introduced species D) availability of sunlight

3 POPULATION CHANGES AND ECOSYSTEMS VIDEO  habitats-and-ecological-niches.html#transcript habitats-and-ecological-niches.html#transcript

4 POPULATION DENSITY  Number of individuals of the same species living in a given area What affects population density?  Relationships between organisms  Movement into and out of the area  Resources  climate

5 CARRYING CAPACITY  The largest population that an environment can support over a long period of time.  The carrying capacity is different for different species.  When can the carrying capacity change?  When conditions in the environment change  EXAMPLE:  A change in the number of deer may change the carrying capacity for animals that prey on deer.  If an area starts getting more precipitation……..  Its carrying capacity for trees may increase.

6 NICHE  Each population in a community occupies a unique niche.  What is a niche?  An organisms role in its environment ( interactions with other organisms and with the nonliving environment)  What would be this chickens niche?

7 ABIOTIC VS. BIOTIC  The nonliving parts of an organisms environment.  Affect an organisms life  Air currents, temperature, moisture, light and soil  All the living organisms that inhabit an environment  All organisms depend on others directly or indirectly for food, shelter, reproduction, and protection

8 VIDEO QUESTIONS  Which factor is abiotic?  A) # of predators C) soil  B) disease D) competition  What is a habitat?  A) one of the world’s major ecosystem types that is classified according to its predominant vegetation and climate  B) An area that is suitable for a particular organism to live in  C) The entire area that an organism is found in  Which of the following is not an abiotic factor?  A) amount of tree cover B) sources of water  C) elevation D) climate  Cheetahs and lions can coexist together on the plains of the Masai Mara National Reserve because:  A) Their different hunting styles allow them different niches  B) Lions and cheetahs mark their territory. Lions stay out of cheetah territory  What is a niche  A) an area that is suitable for a particular organism to live in  B) the role that is played by a particular species in the ecosystem

9 TICKET OUT  What type of ecosystem did KiKi the lion live in?  A) Desert  B) Tundra  C) Serengeti-Mara  D) Tropical Rainforest

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