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LBNE Remote Handling Layout Options Adam Carroll Van Graves Tom Burgess FNAL/ORNL Videoconference March 11, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "LBNE Remote Handling Layout Options Adam Carroll Van Graves Tom Burgess FNAL/ORNL Videoconference March 11, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 LBNE Remote Handling Layout Options Adam Carroll Van Graves Tom Burgess FNAL/ORNL Videoconference March 11, 2010

2 2Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy LBNE RH Layout Concepts 11 Mar 2010 Facility Remote Handling (RH) Features Maintenance Cell – Shielded cell with through-the-wall manipulators, lead glass shield window(s), and shield plugs in ceiling for long-reach-tool access – Area to separate components from modules – Connect new components to “hot” modules, survey, and adjust alignment Morgue – Sized to fit used horns, targets, baffles, etc from the facility over the facility’s life – Expandable? – Considering floor pits or casks at near surface structure Target Hall Hot Storage – Temporary storage for a module with component attached - expedites the replacement process Personnel accessible with beam on? – As a minimum, sized to fit horn 2 with module attached – May not be needed if maintenance cell is at target hall level Bridge Cranes – One each for target hall and near-surface storage, perhaps one for maintenance cell Video System Control Room

3 3Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy LBNE RH Layout Concepts 11 Mar 2010 RH Layout Options Three general RH layout options are currently being considered. – Maintenance cell at near surface level – Maintenance cell at target hall level – Accessible hot storage cell at target hall level

4 4Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy LBNE RH Layout Concepts 11 Mar 2010 Baffle Beam Window Horn 1 Horn 2 Target Cask sized to fit horn 2 with module attached Shaft to near surface maintenance cell Bridge Crane Maintenance Cell at Near Surface Level –Target Hall Cask Lid Hot Storage Hot storage could be upstream of the beam similar to the morgue in NuMI Air volume capped at top of shaft Air flow

5 5Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy LBNE RH Layout Concepts 11 Mar 2010 Maintenance Cell Shield Plug Sliding Door Shield Plugs to Morgue Through-the- Wall MSM Bridge Crane Maintenance Cell at Near Surface Level (Top View) Shaft to Target Hall

6 6Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy LBNE RH Layout Concepts 11 Mar 2010 Maintenance Cell at Near Surface Level Minimizes the size of the target hall No personnel access to target hall during beam-on Component replacement – Module with component removed and placed into hot storage remotely for cool down period or next scheduled outage – Module with component attached taken from hot storage and placed remotely into a shield cask – Cask lifted to near surface level and placed into the maintenance cell Cask sized to fit horn 2 with module attached – Cask weight will drive bridge crane capacity – Longer cool down periods in hot storage to reduce radiation and thin shielding in cask could be required Layout provides least efficient component handling

7 7Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy LBNE RH Layout Concepts 11 Mar 2010 Beam Window Baffle Horn 1Horn 2Target Cask sized to fit horn 2 Shaft to near surface maintenance cell Beam On – Personnel Access Area Sliding Door Hinged Door Bridge Crane Maintenance Cell at Target Hall Level Through-the- Wall MSM Shield Window Maintenance Cell Shield Cap Sliding Door Air flow Cut View (Next Page)

8 8Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy LBNE RH Layout Concepts 11 Mar 2010 Hinged Door Work Cell Sliding Door Cask – sized to fit horn 2 Target Hall Maintenance Cell – Top View

9 9Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy LBNE RH Layout Concepts 11 Mar 2010 Maintenance Cell at Target Hall Level Target hall is lengthened to provide space for shield doors and maintenance cell area Maintenance cell area – same capabilities as near surface version – Beam-on personnel accessible Cask sized for horn 2 w/o module – smaller than other layout examples Continuous air flow from maintenance cell area to target hall required, doors only capable of creating a rough seal Layout provides fastest change out of components with lower risk of components losing alignment from transportation handling

10 10Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy LBNE RH Layout Concepts 11 Mar 2010 Baffle Beam Window Horn 1 Horn 2 Target Can this dimension be better defined? Cask sized to fit horn 2 with module attached Shaft to near surface maintenance cell Beam On – Personnel Access Area Sliding Door Hinged Door Allows bridge crane access Bridge Crane Accessible Hot Storage Cell at Target Hall Level Provides hot storage to allow faster replacement of components Air flow Hot Storage

11 11Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy LBNE RH Layout Concepts 11 Mar 2010 Accessible Hot Storage Cell at Target Hall Level Target hall is lengthened to provide space for shield doors and hot storage area Hot storage area increases operational efficiency by allowing personnel access to remove component from hot storage during beam-on – Reduces work that must be performed during an outage Transport to near surface maintenance cell does not require a beam shutdown or cooling off period Cask sized for Horn 2 with module attached Continuous air flow from hot storage area to target hall required, doors only capable of creating a rough seal Layout provides more flexible component handling capabilities by providing access to work area at target hall level during beam-on

12 12Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy LBNE RH Layout Concepts 11 Mar 2010 Issues / Questions What are the door seal requirements? – Can leakage into the Target Hall be normal operation? – Air-tight seals around crane rails and sliding doors will not be easily accomplished. What is distance between baffle and target? – Will affect selected handling scheme Does near-surface storage area protrude above ground, or is there dirt above ceiling? – Sky-shine issue Others options to consider?

13 13Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy LBNE RH Layout Concepts 11 Mar 2010 Quick Comment on Shielding At 2.3MW operation, targets estimated to be 400R/hr Initial shielding design should allow hands-on access to cask (0.25mrem/hr on contact) – Will either drive crane capacities or requirement will be reduced Shielding estimates for 3-order-of-magnitude reduction (gamma) – Concrete27 inch – Steel9 inch – Lead3.5 inch

14 14Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy LBNE RH Layout Concepts 11 Mar 2010 Next Steps Evaluate layout alternatives in detail & down-select options Start CAD modeling of components and layout(s) Initiate review of component handling options

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