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Integration of emission reduction and environmental management goals for Sustainable urban development Ramakrishna Nallathiga Construction Industry Staff.

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Presentation on theme: "Integration of emission reduction and environmental management goals for Sustainable urban development Ramakrishna Nallathiga Construction Industry Staff."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integration of emission reduction and environmental management goals for Sustainable urban development Ramakrishna Nallathiga Construction Industry Staff College NICMARHyderabad 8 th International Workshop on Advances in Energy Studies (AES) October 24-26, 2012 IGIDR, Bombay

2 Presentation Structure Background Urbanization Patterns Sustainable city development Green agenda of cities Low carbon agenda Integration of both agenda Integration options Compact city and smart growth

3 Background: Urbanization Across the globe, urbanisation has been taking place, especially so in developing countries at leaps and bounds Urban to rural population ratio is catching up 50:50 Urban to rural population ratio is catching up 50:50 Of the 26 mega cities, 22 are in developing countries Of the 26 mega cities, 22 are in developing countries India has rather been slowly but steadily becoming predominantly urban society 51 million-plus cities exist in the country now 51 million-plus cities exist in the country now Growth rates declined last decade relative to previous, predominantly in large cities Growth rates declined last decade relative to previous, predominantly in large cities


5 Patterns of Urbanisation Town class trends show an increase in the population share of metropolitan cities along with an increase in number of cities/towns The spatial growth patterns of cities show Growing core - declining periphery in a few cities Growing core - declining periphery in a few cities Growing periphery - declining core in emerging cities Growing periphery - declining core in emerging cities Growing core – growing periphery in aspiring cities Growing core – growing periphery in aspiring cities Declining core – declining periphery in declining cities Declining core – declining periphery in declining cities Sub-urbanisation and suburban sprawl of Cities is a matter of concern in the current scenario



8 Sustainable development of Cities Sustainability of city development – an important aspect of the development per se Concerns are of resource and energy consumption and waste management Ecological footprint of cities later emerged as a conceptual tool to analyze sustainability Patterns of urban growth – especially the sprawl of urban areas – is of concern Compact city has arrived as a model to emulate and Smart growth of cities has become a key choice of urban development strategy

9 Green Agenda of cities Emergence of emerging trends and resource sustainability Environmental impact assessments played important role in 1980s and 1990s Alternative approaches were built up, later, on Carrying capacity assessment Carrying capacity assessment Life cycle assessment Life cycle assessment Agenda 21 of cities Sustainable environment Sustainable environment Urban environmental management

10 Low Carbon Agenda IPCC strategy to climate change Reducing GHG emissions Reducing GHG emissions Adaptation mechanisms Adaptation mechanisms Mitigation measures Mitigation measures Agenda sought for developing countries Having measures/mechanisms for aligning with low carbon futures in long run Having measures/mechanisms for aligning with low carbon futures in long run Current national approach Voluntary approach to emission reduction Voluntary approach to emission reduction National and international efforts in that direction National and international efforts in that direction

11 Integration of climate change and green agenda Source: based on Kojima and Lovei (2001)

12 Integration Options Urban Transport Traffic flow management Traffic flow management Traffic demand management Traffic demand management Replacement of fuel and vehicles Replacement of fuel and vehicles Other options include Vehicle emission standards Vehicle emission standards Mandatory devises Mandatory devises Improved vehicle inspection and maintenance Improved vehicle inspection and maintenance Alternative fuel vehicles Alternative fuel vehicles

13 Urban Environmental Management Plans (UEMPs) UEMPs have been playing limited role with emphasis on pollution reduction and resource conservation They are yet to become integral to local planning and governance UEMPs need to act as integrating mechanisms of both agenda at planning stage itself, especially with reference to development plans UEMPs are integral to planning in EU countries Yet few cases exist for the same in developing countries

14 Synergies/Linkages between sectoral interventions and green/black agenda City level measure/ intervention Synergy with local environment concerns Synergy with global climate change concerns Urban Transportation Clean Fuel: Introduction of CNG or LNG CNG introduction improves air quality by reducing particulate, NOx and Carbon emission CNG introduction reduces major GHG emissions except CH4 Control of emissions from diesel vehicles Reducing NOx & SPM emissions help improve air quality HSD may reduce Co2 emissions Promoting electric and hybrid vehicles Reduces emissions and improves air quality Reduces local GHG emission, but global GHG emissions may not be reduced Introducing vehicle category-based emission/ fuel efficiency standards Reduce local air pollutants per vehicle km for the target vehicles Reduce CO2 emissions per vehicle km for the target vehicles

15 Synergies/Linkages between sectoral interventions and green/black agenda Promoting mass transport and discouraging private transport Mass transport reduces air emissions and improves local air quality; Mass transport reduces global emissions Modified gasoline to reduce VOC and particulates Improves local air quality esp avoidance of smog and toxic emissions GHG emissions may marginally increase due to reformulation Improved inspection, certification and driving condition and behaviour May improve overall air quality through improvements in fuel efficiency May improve reduce GHG emissions through improvements in fuel efficiency Congestion pricing and traffic management Reduces congestion, discourages car use and impacts on local air emissions Reduces GHG emissions

16 Synergies/Linkages between sectoral interventions and green/black agenda City level intervention/ measure Synergy with local environment concerns Synergy with global climate change concerns Energy sector Energy efficiency improvements (demand side instruments) Reduce air pollution but the benefits may be off- site Reduces GHG emissions Switch to fuels with high calorific value Reduces air pollution due to low emission Reduces GHG emissions Promoting renewable energy Reduces air pollutionReduces GHG emissions

17 Synergies/Linkages between sectoral interventions and green/black agenda City level intervention/ measure Synergy with local environment concerns Synergy with global climate change concerns Waste sector Reducing waste volume Improves the local environment Reduces GHG emissions Promoting recycling of waste Impact on local environment uncertain Impact on global emissions visible in the case of large waste volumes Waste to energy solutions If the incinerators or boilers are used then local air quality may decline Global emissions may decline

18 Synergies/Linkages between sectoral interventions and green/black agenda City level intervention/ measure Synergy with local environment concerns Synergy with global climate change concerns Urban planning interventions Control of urban sprawl and promotion of reasonable development density May marginally lead to decline in quality of life but gain in local environment Potentially reduce GHG emissions due to energy and CO2 reductions Promoting green urban spaces Improves local air qualityEnhances carbon sink

19 Problematic urbanisation and urban development policies Urbanisation in India, as discussed earlier, has been leading to the expansion of urban areas on account of population and economic growth Suburban areas are growing at a rapid pace and taking greater share of total population in a good number of cities (as shown in share of inner cities and sub-urban areas of select Indian cities) Sub-urbanisation and urban expansion leads to conflict in terms of both energy consumption and environmental sustainability Promoting such ‘urban policies’ that promote compact urban forms and smart urban growth is expected to lead to better synergy of energy and environmental goals

20 Promoting right kind of urban form leads to sustainability and emissions Compact city & Smart growth are emerging as tools for sustainable urban development Compact city refers to urban land planning with focus on higher density and better accessibility, which reduces automobile dependency. Compact city refers to urban land planning with focus on higher density and better accessibility, which reduces automobile dependency. Smart growth general term for land use practices that create more accessible land use patterns which reduce the amount of travel needed to reach goods and services Smart growth general term for land use practices that create more accessible land use patterns which reduce the amount of travel needed to reach goods and services Promoting compact development and smart growth would require Guiding policy framework Guiding policy framework Responsive urban planning Responsive urban planning Development of urban transport Development of urban transport Appropriate governance structure Appropriate governance structure

21 Spatial Forms of Urbanisation

22 Thank YOU

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