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October 2004 Metropolitan governance in Lyon Capacity to act and perspectives.

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1 October 2004 Metropolitan governance in Lyon Capacity to act and perspectives

2 October 2004 Context French political system A very centralised State A fragmented State: 36,500 municipalities Stacking of structures: State, region, “département”, intermunicipal co-operation bodies, municipalities Paradox: The metropolitan scale is not recognised as relevant government level Reinforcement of intermunicipal co-operation: a range of national laws (1966, 1982, 1992, 1999, 2004)

3 October 2004 Context National policy in the 60’s:  Supports the development of some metropolises to counterbalance Paris  Creates the ‘urban community’ as an institutional mean to organise this territorial level (1966) 4 urban communities created by law: Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Strasbourg

4 October 2004 Context Decentralisation of national State:  Decentralisation laws (82-83) introduced new relationships between National State and local authorities  Law about the republic territorial administration (92) gave urban communities competencies in economic development  Laws about the reinforcement of intermunicipal cooperation (99) and about sustainable national development (99) gave the possibility to reinforce the conurbation level

5 October 2004 L yon’s metropolitan territories  1.7 million inhabitants  1990 Km²  300 municipalities Lyon Urban area Lyon Urban Region  2.6 million inhabitants  8 280 Km²  678 towns  11 Urban areas  1.2 million inhabitants  50 Km²  55 municipalities Greater Lyon

6 October 2004 The urban community institution A territorial public institution (not a local authority)  Urban community councillors are delegated by member municipalities  Competencies are defined by law  Financial system is now based upon: business rate, National State subsidies, other own resources and loan Example: Greater Lyon budget is 1.14 billion Euro in 2003 Business rate (23 %), other tax and fees (16%) National State subsidies (30%), loan (15,5%), other incomes (15,5%)

7 October 2004 The urban community institution Competencies:  Urban utilities Urban transport, roads and public spaces, parking, water supply, sanitation, waste management  Urban development Master plan, land use plan, real Estate policy, development of major urban projects, urban regeneration, environment  Economic development

8 October 2004 The urban community institution and metropolitan policies in Lyon Since 90’s: strategies toward global development of the Lyon metropolis  Urban development  ‘Lyon 2010’: first strategic Master plan (92)  Major urban projects : ‘la Cité internationale’ Congress centre, Lyon Confluence, etc.  The ‘Urban mobility Plan’(97)  ‘City contract’: social urban development in distressed areas (00)  From the ‘Ecological Chart’ (92) to the Agenda 21 (04): towards a sustainable development policy  Economic and global development  Clusters and growth sectors: biotechnologies, digital technology, creative industries  ‘Greater Lyon, innovative metropolis’: development of an innovation policy (98)  ‘Greater Lyon, the enterprise spirit’: an economic governance plate form (99)  ‘Millénaire3’, a strategic global development project based upon a participatory approach (00)

9 October 2004 Metropolitan issues in France What is at stake? Urban community is an ideal instrument to tackle metropolitan issues: it has the right competencies and financial means to act …but it suffers from a political legitimacy deficit and from a territorial scale problem:  No urban community matches the perimeter of its metropolitan area. … towards a better dialogue and partnership with other intermunicipal bodies and institutions  Urban communities do not take part in the national consultation to prepare reforms because their political representatives are not directly elected by citizens … the direct election of urban community councils is postponed

10 October 2004 Greater Lyon Experimentation of metropolitan governance Lyon Urban Region: an institutional association at the metropolitan level ‘Partner-territories’ Partners: National State, 4 departments, Greater Lyon, St-Etienne Métropole… and new ones Activities: logistics, metropolitan functions, sustainable development, mobility The example of mobility: the Conference of the 13 transport authorities presidents At the level of the Lyon Urban Area Partners: towns communities surrounding Greater Lyon, agencies in charge of preparing Masterplans Objectives:  a common chapter for the 8 Masterplans of the Lyon urban area,  ‘Partner-territories’ to develop joined projects of metropolitan interest

11 October 2004 Greater Lyon Experimentation of metropolitan governance Territorial Directive for Planning Initiative from the National State At the level of the Lyon Urban Region Partners: National State, 4 departments, Greater Lyon, St-Etienne Métropole Objectives: to define the functions and strategies of the whole metropolitan territory (accessibility, major infrastructures, green spaces) to give a frame to the 11 coming Masterplans

12 October 2004 Partners territories

13 October 2004 The urban community institution and contracts “CPER” (1986) Between the national state and regions Transportation-university-research-culture… “Politique de la ville” (1990) “Contrat de ville” between the national state, the Region and cities for urban regeneration in distressed suburbs

14 October 2004

15 The urban community institution and contracts Cities network contract (1998) Between Rhône-Alpes Region and 8 cities Culture - sports - research and economic development (BIO technologies’ and ICT’ Agencies) “Contrat d’Agglomération” (1999) Between the national state, Rhône-Alpes Region and Greater Lyon 60€ per inhabitant from the region Transportation, urban regeneration, economic development, environment, cultural and sports equipments, airport, exhibition hall... European commission project of tri-partite contracts DG 12 environment Europe / national state / region or urban area

16 October 2004 Next step… 2007 Towards metropolitan contracts (?)  July 2004: DATAR’s call for metropolitan cooperation  Urban regions with more than 500 000 inhabitants  High level of governance  A common project for the future  Dealing with: economic development and clusters, public jobs, airports and international accessibility, universities-research and culture

17 October 2004 classe 1 Paris Londres classe 2 Madrid Amsterdam Milan classe 3 Barcelone, Berlin, Rome, Bruxelles, Vienne, Munich, Stockholm, Lisbonne classe 4 Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse classe 5 Strasbourg, Bordeaux, Lille, Nice, Monpellier, Nantes, Grenoble Classement des villes européennes selon la DATAR European urban hierarchy

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