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Authors: Mark Pigors and Bettina Rockenbach (2016) Presentation of Philippe Tzvetkov.

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Presentation on theme: "Authors: Mark Pigors and Bettina Rockenbach (2016) Presentation of Philippe Tzvetkov."— Presentation transcript:

1 Authors: Mark Pigors and Bettina Rockenbach (2016) Presentation of Philippe Tzvetkov

2 Introduction I. Experiment design II. Results To take away (conclusion)

3  Consumer social responsibility: “the conscious and deliberate choice to make certain consumption choices based on personal and moral beliefs” Devinney et al. (2006)

4 Child Labour in Nike Suicide in Foxconn (chinese factory) After the fire in the Tazreen Fashions factory (Bangladesh)

5  Three types of actor: Manager (=firm), consumer and worker  Wage doesn’t influence production  Workers = Bystander

6  Payoff:

7 X (w,p-w,30- p) X (w,-w,0) AcceptRefuse Monopoly 1) 2) Duopoly 1) 2) XY Choose 1 Manager, 1 Worker and 1 Consumers 2 Managers, 2 Workers and 2 Consumers 30 repetitions

8 ◦ Monopoly: No competition Firm owns the “market power” Ex: Trendy Smartphone, fashionable sneakers ◦ Duopoly: Competition Consumers owns the “market power” Ex: Coffee, basic T-shirt

9 - Baseline: No information about the wage - Full Info: Consumers know exactly the wage Imperfect Information: - Choice: Consumers have the choice to know or not the wage - Label: the firm can buy a label which certifies a wage equal to or bigger than 4 - Face: Workers can communicate directly their satisfaction to the customer

10 ChoiceLabel Face

11  Hypothesis: Information-treatment effect Wages: Baseline < Choice, Label, Face < Full Info

12  5x2 features

13 No Competion


15 No competition

16  1 st Conclusion: NO competition - No significantly influence on the wage of the information - Consumer care only about the price - Social responsibility decreases manager’s profit - BUT workers have positive wage


18 Competition and manager’s profit

19  2: Competition - Information treatment Face, Choice and Full Info increase significantly the wage compared to Baseline and Label. - Consumers care about the wage but they care more about the price - The socially responsible production could increase the manager’s profit

20  The treatment Face is very strong and represent the direct communication of workers to consumers (trough mass media, demonstrations, strikes)  The market form changes the socially responsible cost of the consumer. Banning a product is too costly in Monopoly but not in competitive environment where consumers can find a substitute with higher social responsability


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