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Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction in Skyrme Model Park Byung-Yoon Chungnam University, Korea 8 th APCTP-JINR Joint Workshop 2014. 6. 30 ~ 7. 4 Jeju Island.

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Presentation on theme: "Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction in Skyrme Model Park Byung-Yoon Chungnam University, Korea 8 th APCTP-JINR Joint Workshop 2014. 6. 30 ~ 7. 4 Jeju Island."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction in Skyrme Model Park Byung-Yoon Chungnam University, Korea 8 th APCTP-JINR Joint Workshop 2014. 6. 30 ~ 7. 4 Jeju Island

2 Contents Introduction What if? Primitive results Discussions

3 I. What is the problem?

4 Skyrme Model 1960, T. H. R. Skyrme baryon ? U(x)=exp(i  /f  ) : mapping from R 3 -{ }=S 3 to SU(2)=S 3 8 topological soliton R ~ 1 f m M ~ 1.5 GeV

5 Two skyrmions 1960, T. H. R. Skyrme  /2 Most repulsive  Most attractive U(r-r1)U(r-r2)U(r-r1)U(r-r2) U(r-r1)AU(r-r2)A+U(r-r1)AU(r-r2)A+

6 Two skyrmions 1985, Jackson, Jackson, Pasquier  /2 


8 Interpretation through the quark hedgehog model






14 Paris potential Exchange of Isoscalar-scalar meson ~ two S-wave pions

15 Its absence in the present calculation is the most conspicuous fly in an ointment of otherwise surprisingly satisfactory quality.

16 H. Abe, : 1/N c effect attraction in  N interaction M. Oka, PRL: product Ansatz quasi-static field configuration

17 However, B=2 B=3 B=4 B=1 hedgehog

18 II. What will happen in the model with explicit  ?

19 HLS Lagrangian



22 Minimal HLS Lagrangian

23 B=1 hedgehog skyrmion

24 B=2 : product Ansatz relative orientation 1 0

25  VCVC VBVB VAVA V central

26  VCVC VBVB VAVA V central

27 Discussion We have applied the skyrmion picture to study NN interaction in the HLS model with  � central attraction in the intermediate range? : not yet! But, V C ~ V B � Role of vector mesons and dilaton  in the NN potential?

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