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Hollin Primary With CommuniTree Initiative. Why? Children experience learning away from the confines of the classroom. The experiences for personal, social.

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2 Hollin Primary With CommuniTree Initiative. Why? Children experience learning away from the confines of the classroom. The experiences for personal, social and technical skills are particularly abundant. Children are given opportunities to achieve and develop confidence through hands-on learning in a woodland environment.!primary- education/wifn5

3 Hollin Primary With CommuniTree Initiative What? Each week, Every week classes in Nursery & Reception will complete a full morning or afternoon forest school learning session outside. Each week will be a similar format of speaking/ listening, playing a focussed game, a series of planned activities, a snack time, and an opportunity for reflection.

4 Hollin Primary With CommuniTree Initiative When? Beginning after Easter, Danny English from CommuniTree will be in school working with staff and children, to deliver the forest school sessions. This is to introduce staff to the ethos of forest school to ensure we can continue to offer the forest school delivery in the future.

5 Hollin Primary With CommuniTree Initiative Where? Forest school learning will take place on school grounds, in the small woodland area alongside Newlands playgrounds. This is a safe environment within school, but allowing that extra piece of nature.

6 Hollin Primary With CommuniTree Initiative How? It will be delivered within the normal school day, each class is timetabled to complete similar sessions. Rec H Thursday am Rec R Thursday pm Nursery Friday am

7 Hollin Primary With CommuniTree Initiative What do Parents need to know? Children need to wear school uniform, but suitable outerwear would be beneficial. School does have a collection of water proof coats and trousers, but children WILL NEED SUITABLE FOOTWEAR. In warmer weather children will need to have sunscreen applied at home.

8 Hollin Primary With CommuniTree Initiative What do Parents need to know? The children WILL GET MUDDY! Please talk to your child about what they have done in Forest school and if possible extend those experiences into family time.

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