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The Role of parents’ in children's education Emebet Mulugeta (Ph.D.) Associate Professor of Psychology, Addis Ababa University Founder and Director. Nia.

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Presentation on theme: "The Role of parents’ in children's education Emebet Mulugeta (Ph.D.) Associate Professor of Psychology, Addis Ababa University Founder and Director. Nia."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Role of parents’ in children's education Emebet Mulugeta (Ph.D.) Associate Professor of Psychology, Addis Ababa University Founder and Director. Nia Center for Children family Development

2 Outline O What is parenting? O Parents' Role in Children's Education as an Aspect of Parenting O The Impacts of Parental Involvement on Children's Education O Parent - Child Relationship O Parents Involvement in Children’s Education: The How To’s O Involving in Children's Education O The Role of Schools O The Role of Parents O Conclusions and Recommendations

3 Parenting O Parenting is a whole package involving giving birth, fulfilling the [physical, social and psychological needs, and in general nurturing to ensure the holistic development of a child. O Parenting involves: O Ensuring children’s health and safety, O Basic necessities and ensuring health and physical development

4 Parenting … O Parenting involves: O Preparing children for life as productive adults, and O Education, necessary social skills, inculcating the curiosity for knowledge O Transmitting cultural values. O A sense of right or wrong in the context of the culture.

5 Parental Involvement O Parents are the prime educators until the child starts school and they remain a major influence. O Thus, the school and parents both have crucial roles to play. O PI is the engagement of parents in the learning process of their children. O It involves the availability of parents in terms of time and attention. and their participation in the educational process ranging from helping out in homework to participating in different school activities.

6 The Impacts of Parental Involvement O Children in early years O What parents do in terms of cognitive/intellectual development at home: O Reading, talking, listening, playing with alphabets, numbers and shapes, songs, and visiting places. O Children who have been helped show high level of preparedness Good attitude towards schooling and high level attainment.

7 The Impacts … O Children in school age years O One of the important factors for academic success despite parental background, O An important factor for preventing dropout, O Inspires children to learn and achieve, and O Predicts school achievement in 20s and adulthood.

8 The Impacts … What do studies say about parents’ involvement? O Children of involve parents: O are absent less frequently O behave better O do better academically from pre-school through high school O go farther in school O go to better schools O Parents' involvement is a protective factor against adolescent smoking, depression, eating disorders, academic struggles, and other problems.

9 The Impacts … O The attitudes and aspirations of parents and of children themselves predict later educational achievement.

10 High-quality Parent-child Relationship O A high-quality parent-child relationship is critical for parental involvement and overall healthy development. O Communicate, talk!!!

11 High-quality Parent-child Relationship O What do we do? Start early O Listen. O Use age appropriate language. O Model what you preach. O Reward and appreciate. O When admonishing, also indicate the positive aspects. Open communication between parents and children to increase each child’s self-esteem and confidence,

12 Forms of Parental Involvement O Prepare an effective learning environment. O Make an effort to become familiar with your children’s educational program. O Involving in children’s homework; O Ask about the children’s homework, look at their homework, support them. O Setting up higher but realistic expectation for educational achievement. O Look at their strengths and support them in their short points.

13 Forms of Parental Involvement O Monitor child’s learning process. O Allocate time for homework, chores, play time and dinner. O Limit how much time your children can watch TV. O Ask questions about your child’s experience at school and have open conversations each day about school.

14 Forms of Parental Involvement O Participate in school events. O Attend parent teacher conferences. O Volunteer with school activities. O Set aside time every day to read, sing or tell stories to your children. O Maintain a positive and supportive home environment to increase the morale of children.

15 Role of the School O Organize ongoing school events to give parents opportunities to come to the schools regularly and take active roles in regular school activities. O Establish homework policies and diaries. O Provide positive reinforcement to students who complete their homework on a regular basis. O Create learning activities in which parents can participate.

16 Role of the School O Organize Parent-Teacher Conferencing. O Create opportunities for parents to volunteer in some school activities. O Have the belief that parents are always ready to help their children.

17 Cyclic Nature of Involvement and Academic Achievement High Academic Achievement Recognition & Appreciation More time spent on Education Increased Aspiration and Work Parental Involvement


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