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Report from GEO Post-2015 WG and GEO Ministerial WG D. Brent Smith, NOAA CEOS Representative CEOS SIT-28 Meeting Hampton, Virginia, USA 12 March 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Report from GEO Post-2015 WG and GEO Ministerial WG D. Brent Smith, NOAA CEOS Representative CEOS SIT-28 Meeting Hampton, Virginia, USA 12 March 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report from GEO Post-2015 WG and GEO Ministerial WG D. Brent Smith, NOAA CEOS Representative CEOS SIT-28 Meeting Hampton, Virginia, USA 12 March 2013

2 SIT-28 Meeting Hampton, Virginia, USA 11-15 March 2013 2 CEOS and GEO Post-2015 Clear from GEO Member statements at 2012 GEO Plenary that CEOS contributions recognized and highly valued CEOS has for several years led or co- led GEO Work Plan Tasks CEOS “space arm” contributions have been much more prominent than comparable in situ contributions within GEO/GEOSS; thus there will be increased emphasis on in situ observations in Post-2015 GEOSS Integration of space-based and in situ observations into products of use to decision-makers and end users is big priority for GEO Post-2015 Good for CEOS to learn from incomplete handoff of IGOS to GEO Communities of Practice---some working well, others not It has been major challenge for underdeveloped GEO infrastructure to assimilate and pass on CEOS- contributed data/products to users; this situation hopefully now being addressed head-on in GEO Boards’ infrastructure- related initiatives in connection with 2013 Sprint to Summit CEOS should engage in ongoing GEO infrastructure efforts

3 SIT-28 Meeting Hampton, Virginia, USA 11-15 March 2013 GEO Post-2015 WG Recommendations Draft as of March 2013 1. Continuation of GEO and GEOSS Implementation GEO a unique global initiative mandated to coordinate/facilitate Integration/access to observing networks/ associated information systems Recommends GEOSS implementation continue 2015-2015 2. GEO Strategic Objectives Focus on seeking active collaboration with relevant global initiatives with Complementary mandates (e.g. GFCS) to promote full/open access to EO Data, identification of needs for applications and services 3. GEO Core Functions Strengthen space-based, airborne, and particularly, in situ observation Systems and networks Advance interoperability and integration of Earth observations Promote the GEOSS Data Sharing Principles Build/sustain information system that provides access to data/products Build capacity to collect/use EO, and promote regional implementation Support R&D of integrated EO applications Engage with users and decision-makers

4 SIT-28 Meeting Hampton, Virginia, USA 11-15 March 2013 GEO Post-2015 WG Recommendations 4. Societal Benefit Areas Maintain current basic SBA structure, possibility of modifications Identify complementary roles with other global EO organizations 5. Governance Retain present general structure: flexible, agile, inclusive partnership But explore possibility of strengthened role for Participating Organizations 6. Engagement with Developing Countries Strengthen capacity building, sustainable development, regional cooperation Assist countries/ regions increase capacity to acquire, utilize EO data Work with partners to mobilize resources to promote EO tech advancement Draft as of March 2013

5 SIT-28 Meeting Hampton, Virginia, USA 11-15 March 2013 GEO Post-2015 WG Recommendations 7. Engagement with the Private and Not-for- Profit Sectors Where possible, engage private, not- for-profit sectors in building GEOSS 8. Resources for GEO and GEOSS post-2015 Based on voluntary contribution principle, strengthen resource commitments Seek to sustain GEO Secretariat and GEOSS Information Systems Support mechanisms for developing countries participation Support mechanisms for developing global initiatives, as appropriate 9. Development of a New Framework for GEOSS 2015-2025 To be guided by recommendations adopted by GEO-X and Ministerial that address strategic objectives, governance and resourcing Draft as of March 2013

6 SIT-28 Meeting Hampton, Virginia, USA 11-15 March 2013 GEO Ministerial WG GEO Ministerial Summit set for Geneva, 17 January 2014, hosted by the Swiss Government Ministerial WG established, co-chairs are Romero/Switzerland; Briggs/ESA; Bussoletti/Italy; Hirsch/U.S.; met 30-31 Jan., will meet again 21-22 Mar. Summit expected to confirm continuation of GEO after 2015; Ministerial and Post-2015 WGs to coordinate way forward via GEO ExCom and 10 th Plenary WG identified necessary documentation as Summit Declaration, Agenda, Progress Report, Post-2015 Vision, GEO/GEOSS fact sheet, and a two- page “Case for GEO” high-level document Foresee exhibition, a few short video showcases of achievements, no publications, potentially build on GEO Boards’ “Sprint to Summit” Communication and outreach plan, and invitation letter are in preparation Commitment to fully involve GEO Participating Organizations, UN Organizations and Programs, and Developing Countries

7 SIT-28 Meeting Hampton, Virginia, USA 11-15 March 2013 GEO Ministerial WG CEOS to: Participate at Ministerial as GEO Participating Organization Consider CEOS Chair statement, exhibit, publication or one-pager (as at previous GEO Ministerials: 2005 Brussels, 2007 Cape Town, 2010 Beijing) Work through its Member Agencies and their Governments to shape and refocus a viable post-2015 GEO/GEOSS

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