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11 th General Assembly Meeting Joint Programming Initiative „More Years, Better Lives ” Palermo 22 nd -23 rd May 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "11 th General Assembly Meeting Joint Programming Initiative „More Years, Better Lives ” Palermo 22 nd -23 rd May 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 11 th General Assembly Meeting Joint Programming Initiative „More Years, Better Lives ” Palermo 22 nd -23 rd May 2014

2 Agenda 23rd May 2014, 08:30 h – 16:00 h No.Topic 1.Introduction: Welcome by Host and Chair 1a. Confirmation of Number of eligible voting persons for Member States and welcome of France in the JPI MYBL 1b.Confirmation of Agenda of the Meeting 1c.Confirmation of Minutes of the last Meeting 2. Review of the Launch Event of the Strategic Research Agenda (11.04.2014 in Brussels) 3.Short review of SAB/SOAB Joint (11.04.2014 in Brussels) 4.Status of J-AGE I & J-AGE II Coffee Break

3 Agenda 23rd May 2014, 08:30 h – 16:00 h No.Topic 5. Preparation of Pilot Common/Joint Activity selected by the SRA Prioritization 6.Status Quo of the Fast Track on Work and Productivity Lunch Break 7. Status Quo of the Work of the Task Force on Amendments of Governance Structure 8. Position of New Vice-Chair 9.Current Status of Expert Lists 10.Next Meetings 11.AOB

4 1a. Confirmation of number of eligible voting persons for Member States

5 1b. Confirmation of Agenda of the Meeting

6 1c. Confirmation of Minutes of the last Meeting

7 2. Review of the Launch Event of the Strategic Research Agenda The GA is invited to: Discuss the Launch Event of the SRA

8 3. Short Review of SAB / SOAB Joint Meeting The GA is invited to: Discuss the Results of the Joint SAB/SOAB Meeting

9 4. Status of J-AGE I & J-AGE II The GA is invited to: Discuss the progress of J-AGE Discuss the proposal for J-AGE II Discuss the Status of H2020

10 Deliverables – WP1 Management DueRefTitleWP No. Leader 03/2014D1.618 month interim report1VDI/VDE- IT 09/2014D1.7Activitiy and financial report to the COM 1VDI/VDE- IT 02/2015D1.8Final project report to COM1VDI/VDE- IT

11 Deliverables - WP2 SRA DueRefTitleWP No. Leader DeliveredD2.4First Strategic Research Agenda 2ZonMW 02/2015D2.5First update and final version of the SRA 2ZonMW

12 Deliverables WP3 Mapping/Foresight DueRefTitleWP No. Leader 08/2014D3.5Online Database3VDI/VDE -IT 02/2015D3.6Final Comparative Report3VDI/VDE -IT

13 Deliverables WP 4 Design of Implementation DueRefTitleWP No.Leader Delivered, will be transmitted to EU COM after meeting D4.2Report on Priorization Workshops4ISCIII 06/2014D4.3Proposal for administrative support structure and cost model for Joint Activities 4ISCIII 11/2014D4.4Pilot Joint Activity Report4ISCIII 12/2014D4.5Proposal for administrative implementation structures of JPI joint activities and their sustainab 4ISCIII 01/2015D4.6Proposal of the first work programme of future JPI joint activities and sustainable funding 4ISCIII

14 Deliverables WP 5 Dissemination DueRefTitleWP No.Leader 07/2014D5.3Report Stakeholder Workshop on JPI Work Programme 5MoH 11/2014D5.4Report EU Liaison Office5MoH 12/2014D5.5Report on Final Project Conference5MoH

15 Deliverables WP 6 Evaluation DueRefTitleWP No.Leader Delivered, will be transmitted to EU COM after meeting D6.3First Evaluation Report6ESRC 08/2014D6.4Second Evaluation Report6ESRC 11/2013D6.5First External Evaluation of the Project and the JPI 6ESRC 02/2015D6.6Second External Evaluation of the Project and the JPI 6ESRC

16 Financial Status of J-AGE

17 Costs

18 Person Month

19 5. Preparation of Pilot Common / Joint Activity selected by the SRA Prioritization The GA is invited to: Discuss the suggestions regarding the preparation Possible titles of pilot: A new labour market and its implications for health, wellbeing, inclusion and intergenerational link Changing Societies, health, quality of life and intergenerational equity

20 6. Status Quo of the Fast Track on Work and Productivity Members of the GA are invited to: Give feedback on the current status of the fast-track project Discuss the relation of the fast-track project to the Pilot Common/Joint Activity

21 7. Status Quo of the Work of the Task Force on Amendments of Governance Structure The GA is invited to: Discuss the suggested governance amendments

22 7. Status Quo of the Work of the Task Force on Amendments of Governance Structure Feedback from Members NL (ZonMW): -Election procedures without any automatic renewal/rotation -Steering Committee (4): candidate nomination: For the point above we would like to suggest a different procedure based on our experience in AMR. Voting members of the GA (so one per country) will be asked to nominate one candidate for the position of chair and maximum three candidates for the position of steering committee member. This will be done by an online tool created by the secretariat. When nominated, candidates will be approached by the secretariat whether they want to accept the nomination. If so, candidates will be asked to write a short motivation letter as well as provide a letter of their organization to support their candidacy. If nominated as steering committee member, the candidate will also be able to state whether they would accept a position as vice-chair. GA shall elect Chair and Vice Chair and three additional members to the Steering Committee  Based on the number of countries in this JPI we would consider two steering committee members as sufficient

23 7. Status Quo of the Work of the Task Force on Amendments of Governance Structure Feedback from Members NL (ZonMW): …elected candidates … can be re-elected-> We would suggest to only accept one re-election Working Group Members (13): What exactly constitutes a working group in the current status of the JPI? For example, the five working groups established to begin development of the SRA are to be dissolved. However, we have new groups established on an ad hoc basis to undertake the fast track activities – for the purposes of the governance arrangements would these be considered to be working groups?-> Agreed, dissolve the current working groups and go for bullet two. -> bullet point two: Include reference to the need for Working Groups to be appointed by the GA at any time, defining its scope and purpose, Terms of Reference, method for the nomination and appointment of members and ensuring the means for the working group sustainability

24 7. Status Quo of the Work of the Task Force on Amendments of Governance Structure Feedback from Members FI (THL): Taskforce report: Generally the idea to broaden troika to a steering committee seems like a good idea, but can a broad committee be as functional as the troika or will there effectively be another smaller group taking hold of the running matters and/or the more challenging issues where there is less consensus? There is no mention on how many terms a member could hold a position (in the steering committee). The idea to treat Fast Track as Working Group is not convincing, since membership in Fast Track follows implementation criteria and membership in WG follows scientific input. Working groups need a different procedure for financing.

25 7. Status Quo of the Work of the Task Force on Amendments of Governance Structure Feedback from Members FI (THL): Additional comment on the following documents: Governance Model (Oct 2013) p. 5 under General Assembly > Mandate and Tasks it states that “the General Assembly… appoints 5 additional members to the Societal Advisory Board”. This does not really make sense and has been copied from the structure of the SAB (additional members have been appointed to complement WG chairs). Rules of Internal (Oct 2013) p. 4 “Admission of observers or other experts to the meetings of the General Assembly Following persons can attend the meetings of the General Assembly by invitation: - The Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board - The Chair the Societal Advisory Board - A representative of the European Commission. - Observing countries.”

26 7. Status Quo of the Work of the Task Force on Amendments of Governance Structure Feedback from Members FI (THL): Perhaps Chairs of SAB and SOAB should always be invited to GA meetings to enforce the connection and their advisory role. Additional rules for SAB and SOAB: Recommendations by SAB/SOAB (e.g. SRA updates, working group themes) have to be discussed in the GA and answered in due form. SAB / SOAB are entitled to own initiatives under JPI MYBL, e.g. co-operation with other JPIs; initiatives have to be approved by GA (Troika) and regularly reported to the GA.

27 8. Position of New Vice-Chair Since the Term of Office for Vice-Chair Rosita Cottone has officially ended, a new Vice- Chair for the Troika must be elected or there must be (in connection with the discussion regarding the results of the work of the Governance-Task Force) found another solution for the position of one of the vice chairs. The GA is invited to: get information on potential candidates discuss possible options how to deal with the current situation

28 9. Current Status of Expert Lists The GA is invited to: Discuss the (future) role of the experts in the advisory boards

29 10. Next Meetings Information on the next meetings: Joint Governing Board Meetings of JPI MYBL, JPND, JPI on Cultural Heritage, AAL- JP, SHARE ERIC in Rome in November 2014 (20.-21.11.2014) (inviting speakers for Rome event) Next GA Meeting on 19.11.2014 (with Dinner) Next J-AGE Meeting on 18.11.2014 (with Social Dinner) Next Research Policy Group Meeting (17 th September 2014)

30 11. AOB

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