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NACURH As a Second Language Chair: Tara Schinasi.

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Presentation on theme: "NACURH As a Second Language Chair: Tara Schinasi."— Presentation transcript:

1 NACURH As a Second Language Chair: Tara Schinasi

2 Introductions ▪ Name ▪ Major ▪ Year

3 Going over the syllabus ▪ If I’ve done my job you will not need to have attended a conference to understand what happens there and understand what is happening in the region ▪ All of you will be applying for conference ▪ The quizzes are just to make sure you are retaining the information ▪ Person with the highest quiz score will get a prize at the end of the semester/year

4 This semester ▪ Educating you on what conference is, what the region is and what NACURH is ▪ You need to have a foundation in what happens in the region before we can spread awareness of it ▪ Spring: Writing a Bid, Creating a Program based on conference initiatives/RFI reports, spreading awareness of the bigger picture


6 Acronym Guide ▪ RHA Is sometimes RSA (Residence student association) ▪ NCC is National Communication Coordinator ▪ NCCIT is NCC in training – ONLY NEACURH HAS THESE ▪ MMC – Monthly Moose Calling

7 This Week MMC Regional Spirit: Research and write them 5 things you’ve learned about hunger and poverty in your area (Stony Brook ) email submissions to me Moosetracks: Send a NACURH related meme, every other region but NEACURH

8 About this committee ▪ Its what you make of it ▪ Step outside of your comfort zone (cheers) ▪ Laptops/Note taking ▪ Delegation meetings will be once a week when the delegation is picked. Everyone is welcome to sit in on the delegation meetings and help contribute to conference projects, although this is not required.


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