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A Law Enforcement Approach to Understanding. (U) Law Enforcement Sensitive: This information is the property of the FBI and may be distributed to state,

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Presentation on theme: "A Law Enforcement Approach to Understanding. (U) Law Enforcement Sensitive: This information is the property of the FBI and may be distributed to state,"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Law Enforcement Approach to Understanding

2 (U) Law Enforcement Sensitive: This information is the property of the FBI and may be distributed to state, tribal, or local government law enforcement officials with a need-to-know. Further distribution without FBI authorization is prohibited. Precautions should be taken to ensure this information is stored and/or destroyed in a manner that precludes unauthorized access. (U) Warning: This is an information report, not finally evaluated intelligence. It is being shared for informational purposes but has not been fully evaluated, integrated with other information, interpreted, or analyzed. Receiving agencies are cautioned not to take actions based solely on this raw reporting unless the information is independently verified. A presumption of innocence still exists for any person being reported on in this report.






8  Common Sovereign Lien Process  Attack officer’s bond and oath of office  Criminal Complaint  Notice and Demand  Notice of Default  Commercial Lien  Probate Court Venue  Form over substance (non-judicial)  Little or no discretion as to validity of claim  Electronic recording makes damage instantaneous  Inconsistencies from one jurisdiction to another  Legislative approaches: criminalize/forbid filings





13  Thoroughly document Sovereign contacts  Preserve any Sovereign document you receive  Share with your chain of command  Share with legal counsel  Share with prosecution having jurisdiction  Share with local FBI JTTF point of contact  Share with your probate court official  Monitor you credit record regularly

14  You represent a system of government seen as bankrupt, corrupt, oppressive, illegitimate, deceptive and invalid.  You are a means by which this government will impose its will against its citizens.  “I’m not bound by your laws as I have cancelled my contract with your government. I am not a 14 th Amendment citizen, I am a free soul upon the earth.”

15  Sovereign Citizen (SC) activity typically involves criminal behavior that is generally non-violent but may lead to violent encounters with Law Enforcement Officers by the more extremist adherents.  We’re going to talk about some of the indicators that may signal that you have encountered a SC and that additional precautions should be used.

16  Traffic stops  Traffic details  Civil warrant process  Civil proceedings  Criminal warrant process  Correctional process  Calls for service  Criminal investigations

17  When confronted by Law Enforcement they may: * Deny LE authority over them * Claim to be a LE, diplomat, tribal, or other specially protected person. * Ask unusual questions related to LE authority * Begin filming the encounter. * Make a call during the encounter which may be a request for support from other SC * Request Officer answer questions to confirm their authority or hand officer a questionnaire. (Public Servant Questionnaire)

18  Violent acts against law enforcement officers  Aug 2002: Ohio (one officer KIA on traffic stop)  Jul 2003: Michigan (one officer KIA serving warrant at the home of a sovereign)  Dec 2003: South Carolina (Sheriff Deputy and a County Constable KIA)  Apr 2009: Wisconsin (used tear gas and explosive devices against officers serving an eviction notice for failure to pay property taxes violent standoff)  Mar 2010: Florida (officers fired on attempting traffic stop)  May 2010: Arkansas (two officers KIA, two officers WIA)

19  Anti-government stickers/decals  Trailing vehicles stopping nearby  Odd behaviors  Refusing to roll down window  Handing over papers when asked for a license  Immediate proclamations (not a U.S. citizen)  Claims of authority (Ambassador of Yaweh)  Bogus license plates  Religious themes “Kingdom of Heaven”  Quasi Governmental Themes “Alabama Republic”  Sovereign themes “free person/free soul”

20  Present drivers license with unusual appearance or documents instead of drivers license to include unusual passport or diplomatic credentials.  Present drivers license with unusual, signature, statements, or letters, “JOHN:DOE”, “” “Authorized signature” “ Without Prejudice UCC 1-208”, “Agent”, “SLS” (sovereign living soul), “TDC” (threats deception coercion)  Request Officer fill out forms or papers usually as a form of payment for a ticket or as notice of legal action against the Officer.

21  Multiple signs in yard  Declaration of property as a sovereign nation  Do not trespass  Religious themes  Warning to governmental officials (Threaten LE)  Defensively fortified entries  Boarded windows  Reinforced doors  Poorly maintained property  Overgrown yard  Multiple repair issues to structures

22  Multiple vehicles with no tags/bogus tags  May appear to be mechanically inoperable  May be utilized as storage  Numerous assault weapons  Closets and drawers  Multiple rooms  Out of place for absence of drugs or cash  Refusal to answer door  Challenging authority  Immediate proclamation of non U.S. citizenship

23  Investigation reports of property squatters: * Person reporting the squatter say the property was recently in foreclosure. * Person who have tried to confront the squatters report being threatened with legal action or violence. * Notice “Quit Claim Deed” posted in the window of building or on sign near entrance to property.

24  Maintain focus on situational safety  Maintain professional bearing  Apply enforcement as appropriate  Make every effort to identify subject  Conduct searches and seizures falling within your legal authority  Advise your supervisor of your contact, The Alabama Fusion Center, and the FBI/JTTF  Prepare notes, secure recordings, and keep a witness list for the Sovereign contact event

25  Chase him down a rabbit hole of nonsensical reasoning and pseudo-legal jargon  Attempt to “win him over” to your view of the law or sense of authority  Expect him to ultimately consent to the validity of your position and/or actions  Hesitate to secure your environment by neutralizing threats  Hesitate to enforce the law as appropriate  Hesitate to effect an arrest if necessary

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