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Company Portrait Founded in 1992 January 2014. Company Sales profile: - pendant supply system and components, - wall supply units and components, - medical.

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Presentation on theme: "Company Portrait Founded in 1992 January 2014. Company Sales profile: - pendant supply system and components, - wall supply units and components, - medical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Company Portrait Founded in 1992 January 2014

2 Company Sales profile: - pendant supply system and components, - wall supply units and components, - medical gases installations – own production, - operating lamps, operating tables, special hospital beds, - medical furniture, equipment for Intensive Care Rooms, - orthopaedic implants. Production: - pendant supply systems, wall supply units, - equipment for medical gases instalations, - operating and examination lamps. President of KENDROMED Sp. z o.o. mgr inż. Janusz Jędrzejewski

3 Company history

4 Certificates:

5 Finance Company capital (cash)200 000,00 € Fixed and current assets1 900 000,00 € Janusz Jędrzejewski – 48% Katarzyna Jędrzejewska-Jurga – 28% Staff – 6 persons – 24% Total turn-over score by KENDROMED 2010 - 6,5 mln € 2011 - 6,3 mln € 2012 - 5,5 mln € 2013 – 4,8 mln € Shares holder:

6 Finance Company capital (cash)200 000,00 € Fixed and current assets1 900 000,00 € Janusz Jędrzejewski – 48% Katarzyna Jędrzejewska-Jurga – 28% Staff – 6 persons – 24% Total turn-over score by KENDROMED 2010 - 6,5 mln € 2011 - 6,3 mln € 2012 - 5,5 mln € 2013 – 5,8 mln € Shares holder:




10 Congratulatory Letter



13 Ceiling Supply Units KENDROPORT KENDROMED Our Products Wall Supply Units KENDROLINE Medical Gas Area Control System KENDROBOX Terminal units for compressed medical gases and vacuum KENDROBOX

14 1) Ceiling mount 3) Console ( head ) 2) Arms and/or drop tube 4) Equipment ( for example: shelves, drawers, IV-poles for fluid pumps, monitors, holders, etc.) KENDROPORT System components

15 Version with medical gases monitoring and alarm panel for medical gases Version with pressure gauges (manometers) KENDROPORT Consoles

16 KENDROPORT Visuals and planning


18 KL100 KL400



21 Medical Gas Area Control System (SZKG) KENDROBOX

22 Medical Gas Area Control System (SZKG) Allows the execution of other functions: - emergency gas entry to the installation through the emergency and maintenance connector - in the case of pressure changes outside the established boundaries, the panel makes acoustic and visual signals and allows to send the message to the next medical gases monitoring and alarm panel or cooperating final devices - allows to disconnect the gas track until repairs or modifications of gas installations - valve protection against unauthorized access (door with lock and key) - the possibility of an emergency lock opening without a key.

23 Wall board with Terminal units for compressed medical gases and vacuum TPG KENDROMED

24 Medical Gases Wall Board It is possible in TPG KENDROMED occupy nests optionally: - oxygen O 2 - air 500 AIR - nitrous oxide N 2 O - carbon dioxide CO 2 - vacuum VAC - air in the apparatus drive socket AIR MOTOR - anaesthetic gas scavenging socket AGSS - other

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