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150 Characters Summary… Assignment: Write a summary of one of the epics we have read in no more than 150 characters. Think of this as a text message in.

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Presentation on theme: "150 Characters Summary… Assignment: Write a summary of one of the epics we have read in no more than 150 characters. Think of this as a text message in."— Presentation transcript:

1 150 Characters Summary… Assignment: Write a summary of one of the epics we have read in no more than 150 characters. Think of this as a text message in which you must get all the essential information.

2 Assignment Guidelines… You may use up to 150 characters.  Spaces do not count, punctuation does.  You may not use abbreviations or “text- speak” You must get to the theme of the epic (ie. what the hero learns through his quest) Readability counts.

3 140 Character Summary Mighty Gilgamesh dreams a friend. Standing together the two prevail, but gods decree death. Struggle-seek, there is no why. Build cities, write stories: all must die

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