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The Role of Advertising and Marketing in Business Novrita Widiyastuti, S.Sos.

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1 The Role of Advertising and Marketing in Business Novrita Widiyastuti, S.Sos

2 Quote “ Terkadang, hari-hari berlalu begitu saja tanpa sesuatu muncul dari pikiran Anda & tanpa perubahan nyata. Betapapun kecilnya usaha Anda, pastikan bahwa setiap hari Anda mengerjakan sesuatu demi mewujudkan mimpi Anda”

3 Definition  Marketing “The management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitability” (The Chartered Institute of Marketing)  Advertising: "Advertising is the nonpersonal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media."(Bovee, 1992:p. 7)

4 The Role of Advertising in Marketing  While marketing will establish the goods and services that will sell, advertising will inform the market that they are available.  Advertising will promote the product and service in a such a way to appear attractive to consumers and customers as well as different from competitors.

5 Marketing Mix (4P’s)

6 The Right Product   “Marketing is not about providing products or services it is essentially about providing changing benefits to the changing needs and demands of the customer” (P.Tailor)  Product Design, Quality, Features, Branding

7 At the Right Price  It costs to produce and design a product, it costs to distribute a product and costs to promote it.  Pricing is difficult and must reflect supply and demand relationship

8 In the Right Place  The organisation must distribute the product to the user at the right place at the right time  Right Place = Right Distribution  The right place also has implication on the perceived position in the market-place and the image and reputation of the product and service

9 With the Right Promotion  Promotion, therefore, is the total way that a company presents its products to the market.  Promotion is the element in an organization’s marketing mix that serves to inform, persuade, and remind the market of a product and/or the organization selling it, in hopes of influencing the recipients’ feelings, beliefs or behavior

10 Promotion Mix Elements  Public Relation  Media Advertising  Sales Promotion  Direct Marketing  Personal Selling

11 Selling in-Push  Selling in: “push” products to the wholesalers and retailers to encourage stocking-up once customer has seen the consumer advertising.  The process of selling in involves informing the wholesalers and retailers about saleable products that will sell at the right price to allow mark-up for profit.  The wholesalers and retailers will also given incentives and discounts to encourage the intermediaries to stock.

12 Selling in-Pull  “Pull” is the encouragement for the customers to go to the stores to buy the products, after they have been exposed to the advertising and promotion activities.

13 Assignment  Definition of Advertising; and translate it to your own words and understanding  Differences Advertising and PR  New promotion mix elements

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