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Presentation of the scheme designed by group 3 Training Course on Designing and Implementing Unemployment Benefits Linking with Active Labour Market Policies.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation of the scheme designed by group 3 Training Course on Designing and Implementing Unemployment Benefits Linking with Active Labour Market Policies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation of the scheme designed by group 3 Training Course on Designing and Implementing Unemployment Benefits Linking with Active Labour Market Policies 7-16 October 2013

2 Structure of the presentation 1.Presentation of the scheme – Objectives (especially regarding policy gaps in Coresia) – Coverage / Benefit – Main parameters 2.Respect of ILO standards – consistence with international standards 3.Institutional set up – Involved organization – Coordination with other schemes / organizations 4.Tentative budget 5.Implementation plan 6.Monitoring and evaluation 2

3 1 - Presentation of the scheme (1/2) Identified policy gaps Young people have often complained that existing non-contributory programs. Are not designed to respond to their needs. (REAPI, CISA, MIGC) Objectives of the scheme 1.Reinforcing the Active Employment Policy targeting the Youth (AEPY). 2.Desiging UI system and implementing 3

4 1 - Presentation of the scheme (2/2) Benefit description Vocational training 6 months COD 800 per month per person. Start a business; a loan COD 200,000 (0% interest) Main parameters of the scheme 1.Purpose : The government support young unemployment & under employment to have a job or be self-employed. 2.Coverage : 1.7 Million young unemployment & Under employment (rural & urban) 3.Board of directors : Ministry of Human Resources and Skills Development. 4.Registration to Social Security Office (SSO) or Employment Service Center (ESC) 5.Qualifying conditions : All 15 – 24 age, poor and near poor, no Job, project Proposal. 4

5 2 - Consistence with international standards ParameterPrinciple in C.102 & C.168Scheme parameter / Principle CoverageC.102.Glasses of employees, not less than 50% of all employees. C.168.Prescribed classes, not less than 85% of all employees, including public employees and apprentices. N/A benefit C.102. Periodical payments of at least 45% C.168. Preidical payments og more than 50% of previous earning or 50% of statutory minimum wage. N/A 5

6 3 - Institutional set-up Main organizations involved Main organizations; Standing members; Ministry of Human resources and Skills Development. Coordination with other institutions / schemes Other organizations; Ministry of private sector involvement, Ministry of Revenue Coresia, Ministry of Basic and Higher Education and Ministry of Rural development 6

7 4 - Tentative budget Funding source / Contribution rate Non contributory Expenses / Cost of benefits Total expenses COD 67.6 billion (for 8 years) Sustainability Financing 338 thousand projects, if one creates 2 jobs, then total job created is 676 thousand. All are in loans, so refundable 7

8 M-1M-2M-3M-4M-5M-6M-7M-8M-9M-10M-11M-12 5 - Implementation plan 8 Legal aspects IT System Offices & supplies HR Impl. & Comm.

9 AreaDescription of KPITarget Coverage1.All; 15-24 ages = 1.7 million young people. 10% Adequacy of benefits COD 200,000 per project80% could get maximum amount Operational matters 20 days for approval of a project proposal 90% decisions are made within 20 days. Financial matters Budget allocation is made on time95% payments on time Beneficiaries satisfaction Young unemployed are happy with the services 99% satisfied. 6 - Monitoring and Evaluation 9

10 Thank You Terima Kasih Khopchai Bayar lalaa Cam On 10

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