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Section B 2a-2e. Can you name any foreign festivals? Christmas Halloween Thanksgiving April Fool’s Day St. Valentine's Day.

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Presentation on theme: "Section B 2a-2e. Can you name any foreign festivals? Christmas Halloween Thanksgiving April Fool’s Day St. Valentine's Day."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section B 2a-2e

2 Can you name any foreign festivals? Christmas Halloween Thanksgiving April Fool’s Day St. Valentine's Day

3 Thanksgiving Day is an American traditional holiday, falling on the fourth Thursday in November, to celebrate the harvest. The traditional food are roasting turkey, corn and pumpkin pies with ice-cream.

4 April Fool’s Day is an old custom celebrated every year on the first day of April. Popular since the 19th century. On that day people play practical jokes and hoaxes on each other.

5 Saint Valentine's Day (or Valentine's Day) is a holiday observed on February 14 each year. It is celebrated in many countries around the world, although it is not a holiday in most of them.

6 Halloween is a yearly celebration observed in a number of countries on 31 October.

7 Christmas is an annual commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ and a widely observed cultural holiday, celebrated generally on December 25 by millions of people around the world.

8 Christmas April Fool’s Day Halloween St. Valentine’s Day Thanksgiving Fourth Thursday in November 2a Try to match each day with the correct date. February 14th April 1st October 31st December 25th

9 Speaking of Christmas, what do you think of?

10 Santa Claus Christmas tree gifts reindeer Christmas card

11 1. What are the common things that people think of for Christmas? 2. Who wrote A Christmas Carol? 2b Read and answer the questions. 3. What is the true meaning or spirit of Christmas?


13 2b Read the passage about Christmas. INFERRING This means you have to “read between the lines” to get the meanings that are not clearly stated in a text.

14 Many would agree that when we think of Christmas, we probably think of gifts, Christmas trees and Santa Claus. But behind all these things lies the true meaning of Christmas: the importance of sharing and giving love and joy to people around us. The story in A Christmas Carol is perhaps the best example of this. The Spirit of Christmas

15 A Christmas Carol is a famous novel written by Charles Dickens. It is about an old man named Scrooge who never laughs or smiles. He is mean and only thinks about himself, and doesn’t treat others nicely. He just cares about whether he can make more money. And he hates Christmas. One Christmas Eve, Scrooge sees the ghost of Jacob Marley, his dead business partner. Marley used to be just like Scrooge, so he was punished after he died. The Spirit of Christmas

16 He warns Scrooge to change his ways if he doesn’t want to end up like him. He also tells Scrooge to expect three spirits to visit him. That night, three ghosts visit Scrooge. First, the Ghost of Christmas Past takes him back to his childhood and reminds Scrooge of his happier days as a child. Then the second spirit, the Ghost of Christmas Present, takes him to see how others are spending Christmas this year. The Spirit of Christmas

17 Everyone is happy, even poor people. The last one, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, takes him to the future. Scrooge sees that he is dead, but nobody cares. He is so scared that he wakes up in his bed and finds out it is only the next morning --- Christmas Day! He decides to change his life and promises to be a better person. He happily celebrates Christmas with his relatives. He also gives gifts to people in need. The Spirit of Christmas

18 He now treats everyone with kindness and warmth, spreading love and joy everywhere he goes. And that is the true spirit of Christmas! The Spirit of Christmas

19 2b. Answer the questions. 1.What are the common things that people think of for Christmas? 2. Who wrote A Christmas Carol? 3. What is the true meaning or spirit of Christmas? Gifts, Christmas trees and Santa Claus. Charles Dickens. The importance of sharing and giving love and joy to people around us.

20 2c Read the passage again and complete the chart. What does Scrooge see when he’s with... the Ghost of Christmas Past? the Ghost of Christmas Present? the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come? His childhood. How others are spending Christmas this year. He is dead, but nobody cares.

21 2d Answer the questions. Some answers need to be inferred. 1.Why does Scrooge hate Christmas? 2.Does Scrooge have a lot of friends? Why or why not? Because he is mean and only thinks about himself. No, he doesn’t. Because he doesn’t treat others nicely. 3. Why was Jacob Marley punished after he died? Because he used to be just like Scrooge.

22 4. Does Jacob Marley want to help Scrooge? How do you know? 5. How does Scrooge feel when he wakes up on Christmas Day? 6. What does Scrooge do after seeing the three spirits? Yes, he does. He warns Scrooge to change his ways if he doesn’t want to end up like him. He happily celebrates Christmas with his relatives and gives gifts to people in need. He is so scared. 2d Answer the questions. Some answers need to be inferred.

23 2e What do you think the three ghosts say to Scrooge when they visit him? In groups of four, make a conversation between the three ghosts and Scrooge. Role-play the conversation in front of the class.


25 用 die dead 或 death 完成下列句子。 1. His grandfather ______ last year. 2. The dog has been ______ for a week. 3. The __________ of Michael Jackson made so many people sad. died dead death

26 1) This building is a department store now. It ______ a cinema. A. is used to be B. used to be C. is used to doing 2) Children at the beginning of last century __ a lot and __ themselves greatly even without television. A. used to read, enjoying B. used to read, enjoyed C. were used to reading, enjoy D. were used to read, enjoying B B

27 【 2012 江苏扬州】 — Wish you a pleasant journey! — Thanks! I’ll give you a ______ as soon as I arrive in Paris. A. ring B. hand C. ride D. present A

28 --- What do you think of your vacation? --- ______ present our vacations are too short . A. At B. On C. From D. For --- ___ nice present you’ve bought for me! --- I’m glad you like it. A. How a B. What a C. How D. What A B

29 Homework 1. Recite and copy the new words in Pages 13-14. 2. Finish 1c in Section B. 3. Finish the workbook of Section B 2a-2e.


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