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Laurie Hughes Open House Third Grade 2013 - 2014 Laurie Hughes Open House Third Grade 2013 - 2014 Welcome to Holland School.

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Presentation on theme: "Laurie Hughes Open House Third Grade 2013 - 2014 Laurie Hughes Open House Third Grade 2013 - 2014 Welcome to Holland School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Laurie Hughes Open House Third Grade 2013 - 2014 Laurie Hughes Open House Third Grade 2013 - 2014 Welcome to Holland School

2 “A parent and teacher are like bookends, working together to support the child; without one, the other would fall.” Laurie Hughes Laurie Hughes Voice mail- 995-2401 ext. 225 Voice mail- 995-2401 ext. 225 Web page will be accessed through the HTS Web page will be accessed through the HTS web site. web site. *E-mail is the most reliable way to contact me. *E-mail is the most reliable way to contact me.

3 Third Grade Curriculum Reading Reading Integrated program of MacMillan/McGraw- Hill Treasures series, trade books, leveled books, and readers’ workshop. Integrated program of MacMillan/McGraw- Hill Treasures series, trade books, leveled books, and readers’ workshop. A minimum of 15 minutes of required reading each night. A minimum of 15 minutes of required reading each night. Accelerated Reader Program; 8 points per marking period is required in third grade. Accelerated Reader Program; 8 points per marking period is required in third grade.

4 Writing  Writing - Writing in writing journals, supported by mini-lessons and conferencing with the teacher. Emphasis is on the writing process. Not all pieces will be taken to a final draft. - Writing in writing journals, supported by mini-lessons and conferencing with the teacher. Emphasis is on the writing process. Not all pieces will be taken to a final draft.  Spelling - Spelling Lists distributed on Monday - Spelling Lists distributed on Monday - Spelling homework assigned most nights: - Spelling homework assigned most nights: * workbook pages * workbook pages * practice sheets * practice sheets *activities to be done using *activities to be done using - Test given on Friday. - Test given on Friday.  Cursive handwriting

5 Math - enVision Math Series covers third grade common core standards. - enVision Math Series covers third grade common core standards. - Math homework assigned 3-4 nights a week. (differentiated workbook pages) (differentiated workbook pages) ** Multiplication Facts will be introduced and practiced sometime in marking period 2. Mastery and quick recall of basic facts is KEY for your child’s future math success! ** ** Multiplication Facts will be introduced and practiced sometime in marking period 2. Mastery and quick recall of basic facts is KEY for your child’s future math success! **

6 Science/Social Studies - Units of study are covered and graded alternatively. - Units of study are covered and graded alternatively. - New “Interactive Science” series will be used this year. Units of study include Technology and Design, Plants, Earth and Our Universe and Ecosystems. - New “Interactive Science” series will be used this year. Units of study include Technology and Design, Plants, Earth and Our Universe and Ecosystems. - Social Studies units of study include Communities (past and present), Citizenship, American Democracy and Economics. - Social Studies units of study include Communities (past and present), Citizenship, American Democracy and Economics.

7 Report Cards - Letter grades given for reading, spelling and math - Letter grades given for reading, spelling and math 90- 100 A 90- 100 A 83 - 89 B 83 - 89 B 75 – 82 C 75 – 82 C 70 – 74 D 70 – 74 D 69 and below F 69 and below F - Skill specific performance key: - Skill specific performance key: A- approaching A- approaching P – proficient P – proficient S – secure S – secure NA – Not applicable this marking period NA – Not applicable this marking period

8 Homework Homework Agenda books and Homework folders should go home every night and return to school each day. Please check and initial agenda as your child completes his/her assignments. Most often, homework will consist of a math assignment, a spelling assignment, and 15 minutes of reading each night. I do not usually assign homework on the weekends unless it is to work on an ongoing project or to make up a missed assignment. If a student repeatedly misses homework assignments, you will be contacted.

9 Odds and ends Birthday treats Birthday treats Birthday invitations Birthday invitations Room parents Room parents Holiday parties Holiday parties Class trips and chaperones Class trips and chaperones NJ ASK-4 testing days May 12 - 15 NJ ASK-4 testing days May 12 - 15

10 We’re almost done……..  Q&A  Don’t forget to sign up for your parent-teacher conference and to add your e-mail address to the parent contact sheet.  Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any concerns.  Anticipating a great year together!!!

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