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Welcome! Happy Tuesday! Submit any missing assignments! What Did YOU do in the Snow?!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Happy Tuesday! Submit any missing assignments! What Did YOU do in the Snow?!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Happy Tuesday! Submit any missing assignments! What Did YOU do in the Snow?!

2 League of Nations 1. Describe the League of Nations 2. Why Did the League of Nations Fail 3. What is the Mandate System?


4 THINK ABOUT IT!! What kind of condition was the world in after WWI? Think about the U.S. and Europe in particular. What kind of condition was the world in after WWI? Think about the U.S. and Europe in particular. Which few countries had virtually ruled the world for centuries? Do you think they still had as much power after WWI? Which few countries had virtually ruled the world for centuries? Do you think they still had as much power after WWI?

5 WHII.11A The Interwar Period: Making Peace

6 Long term effects of the war High number of casualties High number of casualties Destruction of property Destruction of property Slowed development of society Slowed development of society

7 Preserving Peace After the War International organizations and agreements were established to avoid future conflicts. International organizations and agreements were established to avoid future conflicts.

8 Fourteen Points League of Nations I have a plan to maintain peace and avoid another World War, Fourteen Points which includes the League of Nations. promote cooperation peace A world organization to promote International cooperation and peace. refusedLeague of Nations. The United States did not want to be pulled into another war and refused to join the League of Nations.

9 Why did the League of Nations failed? No power of enforcement. No power of enforcement. The strongest nations were not loyal members The strongest nations were not loyal members United States wanted to avoid any possible wars. United States wanted to avoid any possible wars. Some joined late; and some withdrew when disagreements arose. Some joined late; and some withdrew when disagreements arose. The members were not willing to use military force. The members were not willing to use military force. The League of Nations did not have its own army The League of Nations did not have its own army Did it achieve the goal of world peace? NO

10 dissolved and replaced in 1945

11 Why was the Mandate System created? Established by the treaties ending WWI. Established by the treaties ending WWI. The Allies (victors) were given responsibility for governing former German and Ottoman territories until they could govern themselves. The Allies (victors) were given responsibility for governing former German and Ottoman territories until they could govern themselves. Great Britain and France became mandate powers in the Middle East and Africa Great Britain and France became mandate powers in the Middle East and Africa France = Syria and Lebanon France = Syria and Lebanon Great Britain = Palestine and Transjordan Great Britain = Palestine and Transjordan

12 France = Syria & Lebanon Mandate Powers Britain = Palestine & Jordan

13 WHII.11B The Interwar Period: Depression

14 1920s: Consumerism Improved economy = increased purchase of consumer goods. Improved economy = increased purchase of consumer goods. Automobiles became affordable Automobiles became affordable Radio advertisements brought commercials into people’s homes Radio advertisements brought commercials into people’s homes Companies began offering to sell more goods on credit. Companies began offering to sell more goods on credit.

15 Postwar Prosperity Crumbles Many nations never fully recovered from the economic effects of World War I. Many nations never fully recovered from the economic effects of World War I. Weakened nations relied heavily on Western industrialized nations like the United States. Weakened nations relied heavily on Western industrialized nations like the United States. Postwar Global Economies became more interdependent (linked together) than at any time before. Postwar Global Economies became more interdependent (linked together) than at any time before.

16 1930’s Causes of Worldwide Depression Germany couldn’t afford to pay reparations. Germany couldn’t afford to pay reparations. Negatively affected the economies of the countries they owed money. Negatively affected the economies of the countries they owed money. High protective tariffs- High protective tariffs- Nations set high prices and regulations to protect domestic industries by limiting trade with other nations. Nations set high prices and regulations to protect domestic industries by limiting trade with other nations. Excessive use of credit Excessive use of credit

17 Stock Market Crash (1929) Stock Market Crash (1929) The collapse of the New York Stock Exchange marked the beginning of the worldwide Great Depression The collapse of the New York Stock Exchange marked the beginning of the worldwide Great Depression October 29, 1929 (Black Tuesday) October 29, 1929 (Black Tuesday) 1930’s Causes of Worldwide Depression Where did the Depression take place?

18 1930’s – 1940’s Impact of Worldwide Depression High unemployment in industrial nations High unemployment in industrial nations Salaries and wages fell Salaries and wages fell By 1933, more than 13 million American workers were unemployed—nearly 25% of the nation’s workforce. By 1933, more than 13 million American workers were unemployed—nearly 25% of the nation’s workforce.

19 Bank failures and collapse of credit Bank failures and collapse of credit Thousands of banks and businesses closed. Collapse of prices in world trade. Collapse of prices in world trade. In Germany In Germany Growth of NAZI Party- blaming Jews for economic collapse. 1930’s – 1940’s Impact of Worldwide Depression

20 President of the United States Herbert Hoover (R) Blamed for Great Depression: Shantytowns = Hoovervilles Empty pockets = Hoover flags Newspaper = Hoover blankets

21 President of the United States Franklin Delano Roosevelt (D) (1933-1945) New Deal Great Depression New Deal- government programs to solve problems of Great Depression and put people back to work. Relief RecoveryReform 3 “R’s” : Relief, Recovery, Reform

22 In Germany, depression, unemployment, and hard times led to a dramatic increase in votes for Hitler and the Nazi Party. Election dateVotes in millions Share May 20, 19280.812.6% September 14, 19306.4118.3% July 31, 193213.7537.3% November 6, 193211.7433.1% March 5, 193317.2843.9% As unemployment increases, what else increases? As the depression worsens, what happens to the number of people voting?

23 1930’s Global Depression 2007-? Global Depression Excess consumerism Increased Government role in economy Black Tuesday (Stock Market Crash) Housing Bubble Bank Failures Bank Bailouts What else can you come up with? Germany’s inability to pay reparations 25% + unemployment 10% unemployment

24 WHII.11a-b Review Questions Questions 1-9 MUST be answered in complete sentences Questions 1-9 MUST be answered in complete sentences You may work with a partner You may work with a partner We will trade and grade in 15 minutes We will trade and grade in 15 minutes


26 Totalitarian Dictators Foldable Assignment First cut out the pictures of the men with their name. First cut out the pictures of the men with their name. Second match the country the dictator ruled and paste in the foldable. Second match the country the dictator ruled and paste in the foldable. Third use your textbook and find key facts about the dictator. You will need to include the number of facts listed with the country. One fact must be the country they invaded. Third use your textbook and find key facts about the dictator. You will need to include the number of facts listed with the country. One fact must be the country they invaded.

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