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Bell work #24 Work quietly and individually on the bell work, from the time the bell rings until the timer on here stops. Pass up: Biological Basis of.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell work #24 Work quietly and individually on the bell work, from the time the bell rings until the timer on here stops. Pass up: Biological Basis of."— Presentation transcript:


2 Bell work #24 Work quietly and individually on the bell work, from the time the bell rings until the timer on here stops. Pass up: Biological Basis of Behavior Homework

3 Agenda/Announcements Neurotransmitter Notes Neurotransmitter Zombie Activity HW/ Coming up: Neurotransmitter Zombie Activity due Wednesday! Read pg. 59-78 (break your reading down into parts) by Thursday! Keep up with your notecards (do about 3-4 a day) Goal(s): Be able to identify the functions of specific neurotransmitters Be able to explain the difference between agonists and antagonists. Candy Friday! Will your class qualify? Don’t forget to come see me for your scheduled conference (if it is during 2 nd or 6 th period, I will come grab you) Have at least three parts of each of the flashcards done = get full points for each one!

4 Write down notes for neurotransmitters on the chart provided

5 Neurotransmitters - chemicals that assist in the transfer of signals from one neuron to another there are hundreds!!!

6 Receptor sites- proteins that are on the surface of each cell act as little receivers (or ears) that listen to the messages of neurotransmitters that will make changes to the postsynaptic (receiving) neurons Changes will be either excitatory or inhibitory

7 Excitatory- send a message to FIRE a neuron/an action; speeds up neural activity Make an action potential more likely to occur

8 Inhibitory- send a message NOT to fire a neuron/an action; slow down neural activity (make smooth movement possible) Action potential less likely to occur

9 Agonists – a compound that impersonates the action of neurotransmitter and makes your body act like you have more of a neurotransmitter Ex. Coffee has caffeine Caffeine increases the availability of glutamate, an excitatory neurotransmitter that helps keep the central nervous system aroused (sympathetic or parasympathetic?) So glutamate makes you want to have more glutamate

10 Antagonists – drug or chemical that blocks the action of neurotransmitters eg, novocaine shot at dentist blocks receptor sites and you don’t feel pain

11 NeurotransmitterType Inhibitory or Excitatory? What it doesWhat zombie behavior does this help with/will help get rid of? Serotonin -emotions, sense of wellbeing, -arousal and sleep, keeps you calm. -deficits- depression Norepinephrine (NE) -arousal, learning, memory, eating -Mood elevation -increases heart rate -slows intestinal activity during stress - deficit- severe depression Dopamine (DA) -voluntary movement - acts on muscles, keeps them from moving during dreams -learning, memory, emotion -overutilization- factor in schizophrenia -deficit- a factor in Parkinson's. Acetylcholine (ACH) -muscle action- deliver messages from neurons to muscles -cognitive functioning, emotion and memory processing -deficiencies can bring on paralysis and Alzheimer's Gamma- Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) - most prevalent neurotransmitter in the brain (in frontal cortex) -problems can lead to epilepsy/seizures -deficits can lead to eating and sleeping disorders. Glutamate (aka MSG) - involved in cognition, memory and learning -essential, yet excess is highly toxic -may be related to ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease).

12 Imagine you have just graduated from medical school with a concentration in neuroscience and the world needs your help! End the Zombie Apocalypse that is happening by developing a super drug that can target the specific damaged parts of a zombie brain.

13 Neurotransmitter Zombie Activity With your partner, complete the activity. Everyone should have a copy of the information. You might need to use your phone to figure out the first column, but the first column only. Once you and your partner are done, work on your flashcards due next Friday! Once you are done with this, work on your flashcards due next Friday (October 2 nd - the day of the test) or something else quietly.

14 Thought of the Day 8 th period- place chairs on top of desks please! 1.What disorder could affect you if you don’t have enough serotonin? 2.What disease can affect you if you have too much of dopamine? Write your name and ALWAYS explain your answer.

15 Bell work #25 Sit anywhere you would like (besides the two randomly placed desks). Work quietly and individually on the bell work, from the time the bell rings until the timer on here stops. Pass up: Nothing

16 Agenda/Announcements Unit 2 Practice FRQ (in class) HW/ Coming up: Neurotransmitter Zombie Activity due tomorrow! Neurotransmitter Scramble for extra credit due Thursday! Read pg. 59-78 (break your reading down into parts) by Thursday! Keep up with your notecards (do about 3-4 a day) Goal(s): Be able to explain the neural transmission process in an FRQ. Parents will be emailed this/next week if grade D or F

17 Take out a piece of paper and write your name on it. Title it Unit 2 Practice FRQ.

18 Unit 2 Practice FRQ Work on this individually. You can use your textbook and/or any notes. You cannot use your phone. Ask me questions as you are doing this. Use the prompt’s example to provide the examples for each part of the prompt’s question. Be as specific as you can when explaining everything. Once done, place both the prompt AND your written FRQ in two separate piles on the side counter. This is due at the end of the period!!! Also, once done, if you want to, grab a Neurotransmitter Scrabble Extra Credit Homework Assignment from the front desks. You do have to staple the handout if you choose to take it.

19 Neurotransmitter Scramble Chart- extra credit Complete the chart to the best of your ability. You are to do this on your own. You can use your textbook/phone, etc. if you are not sure about any neurotransmitter example. This is due on Thursday!

20 Thought of the Day 8 th period- place chairs on top of desks please! What are some question(s) you still have about writing FRQs? Explain. Write your name and ALWAYS explain your answer.

21 Students will be given a playing card as they walk in to class.

22 Bell work #26 1. Sit next to the person who has the same card as you (please don’t sit across from them). 2. Remember which card you have. Also, pick up the two handouts from the side counter- Brain Structure Speed Dating double sided sheet and a brain part chart (about a 1/3 rd of a regular piece of paper). 3. Work quietly and individually on the bell work, from the time the bell rings until the timer on here stops. Pass up: Neurotransmitter Zombie Activity

23 Agenda/Announcements Brain Speed Dating HW/ Coming up: Neurotransmitter Scramble Chart for extra credit due tomorrow! Brain Speed Dating completed handout due Monday! Read pg. 59-78 (break your reading down into parts) by tomorrow! Keep up with your notecards (do about 3-4 a day) Goal(s): Be able to explain and evaluate each of the assigned brain parts/structures. Parents will be emailed this/next week if grade D or F

24 If desks are not moved yet, we have to move them.

25 1.Write your name down on both of the handouts. Brain Structure Speed Dating (one full double sided sheet) The chart that you will write about your brain part about (right next to the Brain Structure Speed Dating sheet)

26 You will have to move with your partner, so please pay attention to where I ask you to move to!

27 Write down the number of the row you are in right now. Do so on the Brain Structure Speed Dating handout in the top right corner. You will be moving across the room using this number so you gotta know it! Don’t bring your books with you, just your two handouts from today.

28 Brain Speed Dating Activity Complete the handout you were given on the sheet, with the bell work partner you were assigned. Be sure to have everything completed and included. Everyone needs to have and write on their own copy. For the “what it does” part: include everything that is mentioned about your brain part within the Chapter 2 from the book. Do NOT use the glossary for this. For the examples, think about what your part of the body would be doing if someone were to be at a speed dating event or a party (PG- 13). Do NOT turn this in just yet. Hold on to it. You will have 5 minutes to do this part!

29 Amygdala Brainstem Broca’s Cerebellum Corpus Callosum Hippocampus Reticular formation Thalamus Frontal Lobe Hypothalamus Parietal Lobe Medulla Temporal Lobe Occipital Lobe Wernicke’s

30 Brain Speed Dating Activity Complete the handout you were given on the sheet, with the bell work partner you were assigned. Be sure to have everything completed and included. Everyone needs to have and write on their own copy. For the “what it does” part: include everything that is mentioned about your brain part within the Chapter 2 from the book. Do NOT use the glossary for this. For the examples, think about what your part of the body would be doing if someone were to be at a speed dating event or a party (PG- 13). Do NOT turn this in just yet. Hold on to it. You will have 5 minutes to do this part!

31 Brain Speed Dating When you meet… Remember, if you are sitting in rows 1 and 3 (at any point during this activity), you ARE NOT MOVING. Partners who are moving are moving to the LEFT! Each brain part/structure will explain themselves, their function, and tell you what they are great at. Then, you tell them. Write information down as they speak. If you have time, right away fill out whether or not they are dateable/a good match for you! This is subjective! Explain why their function(s) are a good match for you. Then, some of you (not anyone sitting in rows 1 or 3) will move on to the next brain part/structure person once the PPT slide makes a sound and then talk to another “brain part/structure.” You will have 10 seconds to move to the next spot.

32 Go!

33 Switch! 10 seconds! You may begin as soon as you are seated and so is the person sitting across from you!

34 Go! Write information down as they present their part!

35 Switch! 10 seconds! You may begin as soon as you are seated and so is the person sitting across from you!

36 Go! Write information down as they present their part!

37 Switch! 10 seconds! You may begin as soon as you are seated and so is the person sitting across from you!

38 Remember, if you are sitting in rows 1 and 3 (at any point during this activity), you ARE NOT MOVING. Group 1, switch spots with group 3!

39 Go! Write information down as they present their part!

40 Switch! 10 seconds! You may begin as soon as you are seated and so is the person sitting across from you!

41 Go! Write information down as they present their part!

42 Switch! 10 seconds! You may begin as soon as you are seated and so is the person sitting across from you!

43 Go! Write information down as they present their part!

44 Switch! 10 seconds! You may begin as soon as you are seated and so is the person sitting across from you!

45 Remember, if you are sitting in rows 1 and 3 (at any point during this activity), you ARE NOT MOVING. Group 4, switch spots with group 3!

46 Go! Write information down as they present their part!

47 Switch! 10 seconds! You may begin as soon as you are seated and so is the person sitting across from you!

48 Go! Write information down as they present their part!

49 Switch! 10 seconds! You may begin as soon as you are seated and so is the person sitting across from you!

50 Go! Write information down as they present their part!

51 Switch! 10 seconds! You may begin as soon as you are seated and so is the person sitting across from you!

52 Work on completing the Speed Dating Activity Handout - look up the parts/structures of the brain AND complete those parts as if we had someone present those in class during this activity- include everything about that part that is in your book - write in your own brain part’s information within the main chart as well

53 Now, go meet with everyone who was in the original row that you were placed in at the beginning of the class period. You will fill out information for the parts of the brain that they have.

54 Thought of the Day 8 th period- place chairs on top of desks please! Why is your assigned brain part/structure so important? Explain. Write your name and ALWAYS explain your answer.

55 Bell work #27 Place raffle tickets in the box. Today’s prize- no late penalty on a homework assignment. Work quietly and individually on the bell work, from the time the bell rings until the timer on here stops. Pass up: Bell Works from this week Neurotransmitter Scramble Chart (extra credit)

56 Agenda/Announcements Reading quiz Sheet for Yesterday’s Activity Grading of Your Unit 2 Practice FRQ Brain Pick Up Line HW/ Coming up: Brain Speed Dating completed handout due Monday! Brain and Driving Chart due Wednesday! Read pg. 79-89 (break your reading down into parts) by Thursday of next week! Keep up with your notecards (do about 3-4 a day) Goal(s): Be able to recognize the correct answer for an FRQ question based on the rubric for it. Be able to create a pick up line based on what you learned about each brain part at our activity yesterday, Candy Friday (well, Thursday)! Does your class qualify?

57 Quiz!!! Write your name and today’s date on the blank side of the scantron. Cheating of any type= 0 on this quiz! You have 10 ½ minutes to work on this! Once done, place the quiz and the scantron on the side counter AND pick up the rubric for the FRQ from the side counter. Wait quietly for further instructions.

58 Grading of Your Practice FRQ This time around, you will grade your own with the rubric you received. Use a pen, a different colored one, than the one you used to write this. If you need one, raise your hand and I will get you a writing utensil to use for this. You can switch with a partner and grade theirs instead if you want to! For the ones you get the point: Write down Y in the second column on your rubric Underline the part you received correct on the actual FRQ you wrote For the ones you don’t get the point: Write down N in the second column of your rubric In the third column, write down (using the abbreviations provided) why you think you didn’t get the point Be sure to count the total amount of points you scored and write it at the bottom. Once done, go staple your FRQ to its rubric and leave them on the side counter. Pick u the Brain and Driving assginment. Write your name on it.

59 On a piece of colored paper that you will get from the side counter, create a catchy pick up line for your assigned part of the brain. You can cut the paper out to make it look like the brain part or a heart, etc. Be creative! Place on the side counter once done. You are working on this with the person that was your partner yesterday for the Speed Dating activity. Be sure that your pick up line takes into account what that particular brain part/structure actually does. Ex. You must be Broca's Area because you leave me speechless.

60 RAFFLE PRIZE! Let’s draw!

61 Thought of the Day 8 th period- place chairs on top of desks please! How can you make sure to remember the functions of each of the brain parts/structures? Explain. Write your name and ALWAYS explain your answer.

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