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A portion of the Word of God presented to unbelief Unbelief reinterpreting the Word of God within its own categories “Unbelief controls my interpretation.

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Presentation on theme: "A portion of the Word of God presented to unbelief Unbelief reinterpreting the Word of God within its own categories “Unbelief controls my interpretation."— Presentation transcript:

1 A portion of the Word of God presented to unbelief Unbelief reinterpreting the Word of God within its own categories “Unbelief controls my interpretation of the situation” Unbelief swallowing up a bit of the word of God 1

2 Unbelief challenged at the foundational level “The Word controls my interpretation of the situation” Empowered by Eschatological Truths Unbelief forced into a contrast in many areas simultaneously A portion of the Word of God presented to unbelief as part of a network 2

3 Shall I Bow To My Creator? YES! – ancient monotheism – ancient Israel – Bible – fundamentalism CREATOR/creature – God || man | nature – everlasting distinctions PERSONAL SOVEREIGN – ultimate responsibility NO! – ancient myths – eastern religions – western philosophy – modern theology Continuity of Being – nature > gods > man – transmutation / evolution IMPERSONAL FATE & CHANCE – ultimate victimization 3

4 The human brain 4 Positron emission tomography (PET) scan

5 Who has the REAL “Evil problem”? 5 Christian: Good / Evil mix is “abnormal” and temporary Pagan: Good / Evil mix is permanently “normal” ∞∞ GOOD EVIL GOOD EVIL ∞ ∞ GOOD

6 Interlocking Framework Structure 6 CREATION FALL SALVATION JUDGMENT

7 Interlocking Framework Structure 7 “Christianity is not a series of truths in the plural, but rather true spelled with a capital ‘T.’ Truth about total reality, not just truth about religious things....Biblical the intellectual holding of that total Truth and then living in the light of that Truth.” Francis Schaeffer at the University of Notre Dame, 1981

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