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Relational Databases and SQL The relational model and the most common SQL commands.

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Presentation on theme: "Relational Databases and SQL The relational model and the most common SQL commands."— Presentation transcript:

1 Relational Databases and SQL The relational model and the most common SQL commands

2 Entities and Relations Entities are combinations of values Table consists of columns and rows A row is an entity, a.k.a. tuple A column is an attribute of an entity Relations can exist between columns of tables

3 Structured Query Language Structured Query Language (SQL) is the set of statements with which all programs and users access data in an Oracle database

4 Structured Query Language Create and remove tables Insert rows into tables Change rows in tables Delete rows from tables Search in tables and combinations thereof

5 Data types VARCHAR2(size) NUMBER(p,s) CHAR(size) BLOB FLOAT(b) INTEGER

6 VARCHAR2(size) Variable-length character string having maximum length size bytes. Maximum size is 4000 bytes, and minimum is 1 byte. You must specify size for VARCHAR2.

7 NUMBER(p,s) Number having precision p and scale s. The precision p can range from 1 to 38. The scale s can range from -84 to 127. NUMBER(6)123456 NUMBER(6,2)1234,56 NUMBER(6,-2)1200

8 CHAR(size) Fixed-length character data of length size bytes. Maximum size is 2000 bytes. Default and minimum size is 1 byte.

9 BLOB A binary large object. Maximum size is 4 gigabytes.

10 FLOAT(b) & INTEGER FLOAT(b) specifies a floating-point number with binary precision b. The precision b can range from 1 to 126. INTEGER :== NUMBER(38)

11 The NULL value NULL marks an attribute undefined NULL is a valid value of ANY data type Unspecified attributes get the NULL value NULL is not equal to any value but NULL is equivalent to NULL The function NVL(x,y) returns y if x equivalent NULL, else it returns x

12 Tables CREATE TABLE sources ( nameVARCHAR2(10), raFLOAT, decFLOAT, bmagNUMBER(5, 2), rmagNUMBER(5, 2) ); DROP TABLE sources;

13 Adding rows to a table INSERT INTO sources ( name, ra, dec, bmag, rmag ) VALUES ( 'NGC7072', 21.45694, -43.37306, 14.31, 13.33 );

14 Adding rows to a table INSERT INTO sources VALUES ( 'NGC7072', 21.45694, -43.37306, 14.31, 13.33 ); INSERT INTO sources (name, rmag) VALUES ('NGC891', 16.45);

15 Simple selection (1) SELECT * FROM sources WHERE name = 'NGC7072'; result: NAME RA DEC BMAG RMAG ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- NGC7072 21.45694 -43.37306 14.31 13.33

16 Simple selection (2) SELECT name, ra, dec FROM sources WHERE bmag > 13; result: NAME RA DEC ---------- ---------- ---------- NGC7072 21.45694 -43.37306

17 Simple selection (3) SELECT name, bmag-rmag FROM sources WHERE bmag > 13 AND rmag < 19; result: NAME BMAG-RMAG ---------- NGC7072.98

18 Simple selection (4) SELECT DISTINCT SUBSTR(name, 1, 3) FROM sources; result: SUB --- NGC

19 Simple selection (5) SELECT x.rmag, x.bmag FROM sources x WHERE x.rmag < x.bmag; result: RMAG BMAG ---------- 13.33 14.31

20 Deleting rows from a table DELETE FROM sources WHERE name like 'NGC70__'; DELETE FROM sources WHERE name like 'NGC70%'; TRUNCATE TABLE sources; efficiently deletes ALL rows

21 Changing values in rows UPDATE sources SET rmag = rmag / 10, bmag = bmag * 10 WHERE name IS NOT NULL;

22 Joining tables SELECT, b.ra, b.dec, b.mag bmag, r.mag rmag FROM bsources b, rsources r WHERE =; result: NAME RA DEC BMAG RMAG ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- NGC1234 12.34 45.67 17.3 19.3 NGC4321 23.45 56.78 18.2 17.2

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