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Asthma Action Program 2010-2011. Asthma Action Program Program purpose: To ensure that all Ontarians with asthma, their caregivers and health care providers.

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Presentation on theme: "Asthma Action Program 2010-2011. Asthma Action Program Program purpose: To ensure that all Ontarians with asthma, their caregivers and health care providers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Asthma Action Program 2010-2011

2 Asthma Action Program Program purpose: To ensure that all Ontarians with asthma, their caregivers and health care providers have access to free telephone support and advice from Certified Respiratory Educators through The Lung Association’s Asthma Action Helpline and evidence based asthma educational materials for the purpose of improving control of asthma.

3 Asthma Action Program Program scope: Objective 1: Increase promotion of asthma resources. Objective 2: Increase awareness of asthma prevention, early identification and self-management strategies. Objective 3: Improved self-management of asthma. Objective 4: Address issues of prevention of asthma by increasing awareness of behavioral and environmental that are important to the management of asthma.

4 World Asthma Day 2010 May 4, 2010 Minister Deb Matthews recognized WAD in the provincial legislature Video was created featuring a healthy home audit with C. Madeley and B. Stocks with Sandra Rinomato HGTV - radio, print articles, online and cable networks, also found on OLA Facebook site Collaborated with Toronto Star section on “Allergies and Asthma”

5 Direct Patient/Public Marketing - Highlights Seasonal Messaging September Asthma Spike- two –part campaign; teaser in Aug. to catch people’s attention, then a follow-up in Sept. (social media release and radio) Flu campaign with asthma messaging – radio, on-line and in 11 publications (community newspapers) Holiday Tips matte article - 8 publications and on radio

6 Patient Education Materials Updates/Revisions -11 new fact sheets -Translated into French Revised/translated ‘Asthma Action’ resource order form Student Asthma Management Form and associated poster – translated 5 new WRA Farming/Agriculture sectors brochures

7 ‘Asthma in Children’ translated New Materials Inhalation Devices Fact sheets MDI, MDI with spacer Turbuhaler Diskus (French translated - to be printed) Revising ‘Asthma Action Handbook’ (Drs S.Tarlo, H.Kim and L. Cicutto & S. Murphy (CAE), and the Asthma Action Team Asthma pages on the website – in translation Patient Education Materials – cont’d

8 Patient and HCP Events Highlights: Anaphylaxis Canada (AC) Spring Conference – May 8, 2010 Asthma Action CRE with a booth of asthma materials and available for “teachable moments” (320 delegates) AC materials revised – new CD ROM developed in collaboration with AA Team Workshop held at BB 2011 – (20 HCPs attended)

9 Patient and HCP Events – cont’d World Spirometry Day – October 14, 2010 Awareness event at a primary care clinic, media release prepared and sent out across ON. Respiratory Health Forum – Jan. 26, 2011 In partnership with PCAP, AFHTO, QIIP and MOHLTC On-line needs assessment prepared and disseminated 110 participants representing 65 FHTs

10 Revisions of Asthma Care Map A review chart of the evidence associated with each element was created A comparison chart between the current ‘blue’ asthma care map and the HHF version Version 7 of the Care Map – to be finalized Validation Phase to be completed

11 Asthma Action Plan e-Learning module To educate primary care providers on how to implement an Asthma Action Plan through the use of an online training program Internet based program distributed through portal Primary Care Providers Mainpro M1 credits for completion of the module

12 Ontario Telemedicine Network Training for use of OTN - in process Opportunities Educational workshops with FHTs, remote communities Meetings/Communication : PCAP, QIIP, Advisories Public and HCP education

13 NLHF – Phase 2 opportunity Building Capacity and Collaboration through Knowledge Translation in High Risk Communities while Maintaining Cultural Sensitivity - Development and dissemination of tools along with training interventions for the Community Health Representatives and HCPs working in Aboriginal Communities -Awaiting to hear of outcome of the proposal application

14 Plans for 2011-2012 World Asthma Day May 3 rd, 2011 Launch the revised ‘Asthma Action Handbook’ Focus on children with asthma Increase use of social marketing strategies – Facebook, Twitter…. Produce an on-line video to be hosted on You Tube French media opportunities

15 Plans for 2010-2011 - cont’d Patient forum at CRC in April Topic: ‘Protect yourself from Home Invaders’ – air quality and asthma focus Anaphylaxis Canada forum – May 7, 2011 APA Day Follow up to Respiratory Health Forum – on line workshops, educational event day? eNewsletters – 6 x a year (include a Headline)

16 Plans for 2010-2011 - cont’d Healthcare Human Factors – redevelopment of the Asthma Care Map, Phase 5: Usability and Testing (Validation Study), analysis and reporting. Use of OTN for educational opportunities to link our CREs with CHRs, First Nations people Promotion of the new Asthma Action Plan eLearning module

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