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II Corinthians 8:1-6 I. The Promise That Paul Would Not Break.

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1 II Corinthians 8:1-6 I. The Promise That Paul Would Not Break

2 A. Paul’s Promise… Galatians 2:9-10 In the aftermath of a showdown over legalism at the Jerusalem Counsel in Acts 15, Paul makes a promise to remember the poor Jewish believers of Jerusalem, a promise he never forgot.

3 Why were there so many poor in Jerusalem? Some possibilities… Famine struck Overpopulation Poor attracted to the faith Persecution Excommunication

4 The Jews would excommunicate someone for following Christ which would then make it difficult to sustain oneself after being ostracized from community life… Do you remember the blind man in John 9? Jesus heard that they had put him out, and finding him, He said, "Do you believe in the Son of Man?“ John 9:35

5 Paul was following the Old Testament tradition… If there is a poor man with you, one of your brothers, in any of your towns in your land which the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart, nor close your hand from your poor brother; but you shall freely open your hand to him, and shall generously lend him sufficient for his need in whatever he lacks. Deuteronomy 15:7-8

6 A fascinating study is to track Paul’s JCRF Project Jerusalem Christian Relief Fund B. Let’s follow the money…

7 1.Acts 11:27-30 - A.D. 44-48 – A famine prophesized in Jerusalem From its gentile headquarters in Syria Antioch, the church first takes decisive steps to help Jerusalem This begins to weld the “Jewish” believers and the “gentile” believers 2.Galatians 2:9-10 A.D. 50 – Paul promises to remember the poor

8 3.I Corinthians 16:1-4 A.D. 55 – Indicates that Paul had driven home the JCRF in all his churches Giving was to be done in an organized manner Giving was based on as one prospered Those in charge of the fund were to be accountable 4.II Corinthians 8-9 A.D. 56

9 5.Romans 15:25-27 A.D. 57 Paul makes a case in vs: 27 that the gentiles had a spiritual obligation to help the Jews since salvation came through the Jews 6.Acts 24:17 – Mission accomplished A.D. 58 Paul delivered the JCRF when he came to Jerusalem

10 II. What we learn about Christian giving in chapters 8-9

11 1.It is Biblical for churches to raise money for special projects 8-9 2.Paul uses friendly competition between churches to motivate the Corinthians to give 8:1-5 3.It is appropriate for Christian leaders to motivate Christians to give 8:7 4.Giving is to be graced based and free willed 8:8-9, 9:7 5.Financial planning for giving is appropriate 8:10, 9:3

12 6.Christians who have been blessed financially are positioned by the Lord to help the brethren less fortunate 8:14-15 7.There is to be financial accountability for God’s money 8:16-24 8.There is a sow / reap principle in Christian giving 9:8-11 9.Christian giving glorifies God 9:11-13 10.There are spiritual principles of giving which believers are to learn 8-9

13 The terms Paul uses for “financial giving” to kingdom work 1.Grace 8:1, 9:8 2.Liberality 8:2 3.Support of the saints 8:4 4.Gracious work 8:6, 7,19 5.Generous gift 8:8:20 6.Proof of your love 8:24 7.Ministry 9:1,12, 13 8.Bountiful gift 9:5 9.Liberality 9:11,13 10.Needs of the saints 9:12 11.Contribution 9:13

14 III. What we learn from the Philippians, Bereans, and Thessalonians about giving

15 1.God called their financial offering “grace” because Christian giving is a consequence of saving grace. 8:1 2.When times get difficult may be the time to give. 8:2 3.Giving should not be because “I have to” but “because I get to.” 8:3

16 The Living Bible puts it this way… 3 They gave not only what they could afford but far more; and I can testify that they did it because they wanted to and not because of nagging on my part.

17 4.The Macedonian believers show a strong emotional commitment to the JCRF. 8:4 5.True Christian giving begins by giving oneself to the Lord (See Romans 12:1) 8:5

18 IV. Have you ever considered asking God for a special project like Paul had?

19 Outline of Chapters 8-9 Update on the Macedonian churches giving for the JCRF 8:1-5 Paul’s exhortation to the Corinthians to fulfill their commitment for the JCRF 8:6-15 The coming JCRF delegation 8:16-24 Paul’s precaution of sending the delegation prior to his arrival 9:1-5 The doctrinal justification of sacrificial giving 9:6-11 The fruit of sacrificial giving 9:12-15

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