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The Town of Fort Myers Beach Stormwater Utility: Frequently Asked Questions Prepared by Tetra Tech September 2015.

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1 The Town of Fort Myers Beach Stormwater Utility: Frequently Asked Questions Prepared by Tetra Tech September 2015

2 A watershed is a section of land that drains water to a natural waterway. Watersheds also interact with ground water. Over natural landscapes, some water naturally percolates or seeps into the groundwater. What is a Watershed?

3 When watersheds are modified and impervious surfaces are added due to development, runoff increases and groundwater recharge decreases. – “Impervious Surface” means a human-made surface compacted or covered with material resistant to infiltration by water and impeding or restricting percolation of surface water into the soil. Impervious surfaces include, but are not limited to, most conventionally surfaced streets, roofs, roof extensions, sidewalks, patios, driveways, parking lots, oiled, graveled, graded, or compacted surfaces, porches, sidewalks, parking areas and athletic courts, and semi-impervious areas, such as compacted clay. – “pervious Surface” a surface which allows downward infiltration or percolation of water into soil, surfaces include, sand, grass, shell, and naturally wooded/grassy landscapes. What is Urbanization of a Watershed?

4 A Stormwater Utility is similar to other common utilities such as water and sewer. The fees collected for the stormwater utility go toward helping maintain the stormwater system components. The services provided by a stormwater utility include: –Flood control –Maintenance of all stormwater components –Increased water quality in receiving waters What is a Stormwater Utility?

5 Public Health and Safety – Provide flood control by routing water away from buildings and streets Without control, flooding can cause serious damage to personal property and can even be deadly – Reduction of suspended and dissolved solids Natural waterways are vulnerable to degradation from these pollutants – Suspended solids: Dirt, silt and debris – Dissolved:Nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous Why is there a Need for a Stormwater Utility?

6 Constant maintenance of stormwater components ensure public health and safety – culverts, conduits, manholes, channels, ditches, drainage easements, retention and detention basins, infiltration facilities, and other components as well as natural waterways are all included Why is there a Need for a Stormwater Utility?

7 The stormwater system is currently in a state not capable of meeting the needs and goals of the Town – Flooding along side streets – Infrastructure components need to be cleaned – Upgrade existing system To meet these goals, funds have to be gathered to finance the necessary improvements. Hasn’t the Town always Maintained the Stormwater System? Why am I Being Charged now?

8 Fees are determined based on the amount of impervious area at each property. Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU)- 4,414 square feet of impervious area. The ERU is based on the impervious area found at the statistical average sized single family home. How are the Fees Determined?

9 Residential ERU Residential TierBuilding Footprint Area Range (Provided by the Property Appraiser) Plus Additional Impervious Area Assigned Billing Units (ERUs) Small100-1,400 sq. ft.Assumed based on statistical sample =.66 ERUs Medium1,401-3,400 sq. ft.Assumed based on statistical sample = 1.00 ERUs Large3,401-6,000 sq. ft.Assumed based on statistical sample = 1.50 ERUs Very Large> 6,000 sq. ft.measured= Calculated

10 Condominium Parcels – Residential Condo complex measured impervious area ÷ 4,414 square feet (ERU value) ÷ total parcels – Non-Residential (Condo complex measured impervious area ÷ 4,414 square feet (ERU value)) x (parcel building square feet ÷ total bld. square feet) – Mixed Use Non-residential based on proportionate share of building Residential portion divided equally among residential parcels General Parcels – Measured impervious area ÷ 4,414 square feet (ERU Value) Condominium, Mixed Use, and General ERU

11 Stormwater Utility Fee The monthly fee per ERU is $26.50 Fee Collection A bill will be mailed to the customer concurrent with their current water bill The customer can pay in person at the Town Hall or mail in the payment What is the Fee and how is it Collected?

12 All residents and persons owning real property in the Town of Fort Myers beach are subject to pay the stormwater utility fees. The benefits of the stormwater utility are shared by all residents and persons owning real property within the Town. – The roads are served by the stormwater system to maintain a dry and safe passage for travel. Why do Property Owners with Private Stormwater Systems have to Pay?

13 There are many stormwater projects which need to be completed on the island. Stormwater improvements will continue concurrently with potable water improvements. When will My Street by Addressed?

14 Questions?

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