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Sara Bowman Center for Open Science | Promoting, Supporting, and Incentivizing Openness in Scientific Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Sara Bowman Center for Open Science | Promoting, Supporting, and Incentivizing Openness in Scientific Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sara Bowman Center for Open Science | Promoting, Supporting, and Incentivizing Openness in Scientific Research

2 Mission: Improve openness, integrity, and reproducibility of scientific research

3 Norms Communality Open sharing Universalism Evaluate research on own merit Disinterestedness Motivated by knowledge and discovery Organized skepticism Consider all new evidence, even against one’s prior work Quality Counternorms Secrecy Closed Particularlism Evaluate research by reputation Self-interestedness Treat science as a competition Organized dogmatism Invest career promoting one’s own theories, findings Quantity

4 Anderson, Martinson, & DeVries, 2007



7 Technology to enable change Training to enact change Incentives to embrace change

8 InfrastructureMetascience Community


10 Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) Guidelines


12 TOP Design Principles Low barrier to entry Modular Agnostic to discipline

13 TOP Guidelines 1.Data citation 2.Design transparency 3.Research materials transparency 4.Data transparency 5.Analytic methods (code) transparency 6.Preregistration of studies 7.Preregistration of analysis plans 8.Replication

14 Data sharing: Level 1 Summary: Article states whether data are available, and, if so, where to access them The policy of the ___________ is to publish papers where authors indicate whether the data, methods used in the analysis, and materials used to conduct the research will be made available to any researcher for purposes of reproducing the results or replicating the procedure. Authors must, in acknowledgments or the first footnote, indicate if they will or will not make their data, analytic methods, and study materials available to other researchers. If an author agrees to make materials available, the author must specify where that material will be available.

15 Data sharing: Level 2 Data must be posted to a trusted repository. Exceptions must be identified at article submission. The policy of the ___________ is to publish papers only if the data used to conduct the research are clearly and precisely documented and are maximally available to any researcher for purposes of reproducing the results or replicating the procedure. Details of: What must be shared Legal and Ethical Exceptions – Disclosure at onset of review Using trusted repositories

16 Data sharing: Level 3 Data must be posted to a trusted repository, and reported analyses will be reproduced independently prior to publication.... are maximally available to any researcher for purposes of reproducing the results or replicating the procedure. All materials supporting the claims made by the author must be made available to the journal prior to publication. The journal, or an entity acting on behalf of the journal, will verify that the findings are replicable using the author’s data and methods of analysis. Failure to replicate at this stage may result in the paper not being published.

17 500+ journals 45+ Organizations TOP Signatories Journals, Organizations, Funders

18 Signals: Making Behaviors Visible Promotes Adoption


20 Case Study: Psychological Science 2014

21 Data Availability in Psychological Science


23 Metascience

24 Appearing in Science August 28


26 Infrastructure

27 Open Science Framework

28 Open Science Framework

29 Collaboration Documentation Archiving

30 Version Control

31 Merges Public-Private Workflows

32 Incentives for Openness

33 Persistent Citable Identifiers

34 Registration

35 Connects Services Researchers Use

36 OSF


38 What are your barriers?

39 Thank you! Questions? Slides: Upcoming OSF Webinars:

40 Prereg Prize Endorse TOP Guidelines Badges for Open Practices Registered Reports


42 Design Collect & Analyze Report Publish PEER REVIEW PEER REVIEW

43 Registered Reports

44 Who Publishes Registered Reports? (just to name a few) See the full list and compare features:


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