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Ussal Şahbaz METU Economics Department. Outline Design Principles Tools to Design Design Tips.

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Presentation on theme: "Ussal Şahbaz METU Economics Department. Outline Design Principles Tools to Design Design Tips."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ussal Şahbaz METU Economics Department

2 Outline Design Principles Tools to Design Design Tips

3 Design Basics Alignment Proximity Contrast Repetition

4 Design Basics Repetition Putting two or more things into a straight line Alignment Proximity Contrast State of being near in space or time An obvious difference between two or more things Saying, telling or doing the same thing again

5 Design Basics Repetition Putting two or more things into a straight line Alignment Proximity Contrast State of being near in space or time An obvious difference between two or more things Saying, telling or doing the same thing again

6 Outline Design Principles Tools to Design Design Tips

7 Tools to Design Qualities of Color Basic Color Harmonies Additive - Subtractive Color Color Contrasts Typography

8 Dimensions of Color

9 Inherent Qualities

10 Emotive Qualities

11 Color Wheel

12 Primary Colors primary

13 Secondary Colors secondary

14 Complementary Colors

15 Analogous Colors warm analogous cool analogous

16 Additive & Subtractive Colors RGBCMYK

17 Color Contrast huesaturationvalue

18 Color Contrast value saturation hue

19 value max value min saturation hue Color Contrast

20 Typography Times New Roman (serif) Verdana (sans serif) serif

21 Design Basics Repetition Putting two or more things into a straight line Alignment Proximity Contrast State of being near in space or time An obvious difference between two or more things Saying, telling or doing the same thing again

22 Design Basics Repetition Putting two or more things into a straight line Alignment Proximity Contrast State of being near in space or time An obvious difference between two or more things Saying, telling or doing the same thing again

23 Outline Design Principles Tools to Design Design Tips

24 Color Tips Keep the color palette to 3-4 colors at most. Use colors that contrast. Complementary colors may be used to make colors contrast. Using anologous colors in a presentation is very effective, by giving contrast effects using value and saturation differentials. Use the effect of warm and cool colors according to the theme of the presentation. Look at your slides in black & white. Good design should look as good in black and white as it does in color.

25 Typography Tips Use 2-3 fonts at the most; one serif, one sans serif. Title slides should be at least 32 to 40 points. Bulleted text should be no smaller than 18 points. Use capitalization with care. Text set in upper-case type is harder to read. Fancy fonts can be hard to read Be sure text is readable and contrasts with background.

26 Text Tips  Create brief, attention-getting headers.  Use one concept per slide.  Avoid high number of bullets and long sentences  Maintain parallel sentence structures on each slide.  Avoid abbreviations and acronyms Limit punctuation marks

27 Text Tips  Do not use too many slide, it may lose your audience  Be consistent with effects, transitions and animation.  Use transition and other effects in limited number. They have a diminishing return. Remember, The audience is seeing the slides for the first time.

28 References Principles of Graphic Design Creating an Effective PowerPoint Presentation Creating Effective Presentations ations.htm

29 Ussal Şahbaz METU Economics Department Cover and Slide Master Design: Cem Adıyaman Cover Artwork: “Ascending and Descending”, M. C. Escher

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