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Get a sheet at the corner of your table. Objective: You will define and apply various lettering styles in order to create a more challenging type set.

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Presentation on theme: "Get a sheet at the corner of your table. Objective: You will define and apply various lettering styles in order to create a more challenging type set."— Presentation transcript:

1 Get a sheet at the corner of your table. Objective: You will define and apply various lettering styles in order to create a more challenging type set. DRILL: 1.Copy the objective and answer any questions on the sheet that you can. 2.WAIT TO DRAW THE LETTERS WITH THE DEMONSTRATION.

2 1.Typography is the art of print. 2.TYPOGRAPHY IS A Lettering style or font. 3.“Typography refers to the arrangement of text on a page, and appears in some form or another in all instances of written communication.”

3 Magazines Newspaper

4 CD’s use typography

5 Posters


7 WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THESE 3 LETTERS? A A A Sans Serif- French word sans means WITHOUT a serif. A b c d Serif- Is a detail at the beginning or end of a letter. abcd Script- Text that is written in cursive. abcd

8 DEMONSTRATION Basic block letters- O H E S A Your name in Sans Serif Your name with serifs Your name in Script Your name in a font of your choice Assessment~ One letter in 4 styles. Describe each style- TODAY’S AGENDA:







15 ~ One letter in 4 styles. 4 volunteers to draw on the board. Describe each style- Sans serif Serif Script ASSESSMENT



18 Applying Typography Objective: You will create 3 styles of lettering in order to apply it to your final artwork.. DRILL: Get sketchbook and sheet from yesterday. 1.Get a medium size rectangle from small folder at corner of table. 2.Trace it 3 times. 3.Get a FONT FOLDER (purple or red) from bin. 4.Draw your initials in a lettering style inside the boxes.] 5.Use the tips from yesterday. 6.We will do script together.

19 4 pts *1 for trying *1 pt- yes or no- Does LANSDOWNE HIGH SCHOOL on the front of the building have serifs or not. *SERIFS OR SANS SERIFS *2 PTS- DRAW AN EXAMPLE. EXTRA CREDIT

20 Script Demo

21 Goals: 1.Draw your name in a creative font from packets or make one up. 2.Touch the edges of the boxes. On back: 1.Pick a letter. 2.Draw it in 4 different styles. 3.Work on your painting.

22 Goals: 1.Finish Typography worksheet. Front and back. 40 pts (5 pts per section) 2.Finish drawing designs. 3.Get paint and continue painting using your color schemes. If paint is dry, add a little bit of water. PSAT DAY

23 How to transfer: 1.Get a ¼ sheet of paper. 2.Put it on top of your drawing. 3.Trace outline of rectangle first. 4.Trace letter. Use pencil! 5.Flip it over, place on final paper (sketchbook) 6.Check to make sure it will show up. 7.Draw on the pencil lines. A light line will show up on the paper.

24 Bring in Styrofoam! ~Styro plates ~lunch trays ~meat / veggies trays (washed)

25 Objective: You will apply your knowledge of typography in order to draw the title on your book cover. DRILL: Take out the TYPOGRAPHY sheet from yesterday. 1.Draw the letters in row 5 using a font from the packet. Touch all the edges. 2.Use 4 new fonts of your choice on the back for one letter. TYPOGRAPHY ON YOUR BOOK COVER

26 + 1 for trying +2 for a correct answer EXTRA CREDIT Answer: Sans serif or serif Example: Lansdowne High/ Lansdowne High Your name

27 Get a mirror and a piece of paper and something to draw with. What do you need to learn to help with portraits? Take out your portrait homework. PORTRAITS

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