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By Sonya Harmon Holtar Final Project Presentation, April 27, 2016 English 507, Dr. Douglas Eyman.

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Presentation on theme: "By Sonya Harmon Holtar Final Project Presentation, April 27, 2016 English 507, Dr. Douglas Eyman."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Sonya Harmon Holtar Final Project Presentation, April 27, 2016 English 507, Dr. Douglas Eyman

2 Bergen Bound: Introduction WHY? I’m moving to Norway in August 2017. Family members are unlikely to visit and know little about Norway. Friends may not be able to visit. (Some may not even know I got hitched…)

3 Original Plan

4 This would have been Bergen Bound. These two would be two blogs — one on life in Bergen after the move, and the other about our travels. (The whole grid theory thing would’ve been cool, but …)

5 Garrett’s Five Elements Strategy Scope Structure Skeleton Surface

6 Strategy  Announcement  Info about Norway  Info about Bergen  Ease the transition  Use photos to entice family and friends to visit (or at least provide a window into the country)

7 Strategy Ease of use!

8 Scope Know what you’re building. (a website about the move) Know what you’re not building. (a website about everything else)

9 Scope Bergen Bound Once I decided to focus on only the move, I had to determine the requirements…

10 Scope: Content  Text: Content for main sections and asides  Photos: My own collection, supplements  Video: Northern Lights

11 Scope: Other Requirements  Ease of use (simple, not remedial)  Conversational tone (audience)  Fit time constraints  Fit skill set!

12 Structure How Content Fits Together  Content had to be straightforward  Logical sequence of pages ( Intro  Norway  Bergen  FYI  Ask a Norwegian )  Navigation links under header and in segues

13 Skeleton Refines Structure Simple Skeleton (header, nav bar, main section, aside, footer) That Module 5 Situation

14 Skeleton  Main 1. Content follows nav link titles (except intro page) 2. Contain bulk of information  Asides 1. Interesting tidbits 2. Amount driven by length of main content

15 Surface  According to Garrett, this is where content, functionality, and aesthetics come together while fulfilling the goals of the strategy, scope, structure, and skeleton.

16 The Header  Image created with InDesign and Photoshop  Color scheme created using eyedropper tool in InDesign  Used Adobe Kuler to test the new red to avoid original “boring as hell” colors

17 The Header: The Red  Punched up the color.  “I like the choice of colors – unusual choices together, but they really are visually appealing.”  The whole heart thing.

18 More on Color Although the site largely follows the five-color scheme, there was a problem with links and contrast. A new color was introduced…

19 More on Color #191308

20 Typography Casual “handwriting” fonts = casual tone. Header font was available for graphics but there was no web-safe version. Enter “Loved by the King” on Google. (This font has its own problems, however …) Less-formal sans-serif used for regular text.

21 Usability To determine whether Bergen Bound successfully achieved my goals, I recruited several friends to test the site. Selection Process: Aware of the move! Know me well enough to be honest. Range of ages, professions, and technical know-how. Target audience.

22 Usability: Comments Espen expressed outrage* that I’d said he’d seen the Northern Lights “only” seven or eight times. Given his interest in history he helped correct a couple of facts, including that Bergen was founded in 1066... not 1070, as is often reported. He really hates the horns on the Viking helmets. *This is an exaggeration. He wasn’t outraged at all.

23 Usability: Comments “The links were very obvious; you'd have to be blind not to spot them.” – Lasse H. “Love that it is so mobile friendly. It's easy to manipulate around on my phone, and even the sidebar photos are clear on the screen.... On your ‘Ask a Norwegian’ section — photos of your subjects would be good to give it an even better personal touch.” – Neva W.

24 Usability: Comments Of the testers, my friend Rachel G. had the most to say: Observations  Favorite page versus least-favorite page...  Photos of “Ask a Norwegian” participants  Confusing link to Paris section  Anchors to various portions were confusing  Nav link names didn’t match headers on pages  One page didn’t open in new window  What about the heart bullet?! And on and on... for 1-1/2 pages!

25 Usability: Comments “How about making the header link back to the home page?” – Genilson B. “I’d like to be able to make the pictures larger.” – Everyone And then my editor friend Victoria stepped in …

26 Presenting:

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