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The Southeast Region By: Anna, Jimmy And Blake. Geography Some of major landforms in the southeast are The Appalachian Mountains, The Mississippi River,

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Presentation on theme: "The Southeast Region By: Anna, Jimmy And Blake. Geography Some of major landforms in the southeast are The Appalachian Mountains, The Mississippi River,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Southeast Region By: Anna, Jimmy And Blake

2 Geography Some of major landforms in the southeast are The Appalachian Mountains, The Mississippi River, The Everglades and The Great Smokey Mountains. One of the Natural recourses in the Southeast is tobacco the first England settlers used tobacco to trade in England for goods. Today they use tobacco to make cigars. The southeast region 2 coastal plain and part of the Appalachian Mountains. The elevation in the southeast is between less than 10-250.

3 History The English, French and Spanish were the early settlers. The English, French, and Spanish wanted to create a colony. Louisiana is the birth place of jazz. So they play a lot of it. The settlers used wood to make cabins and one of there natural recourses was wood.

4 Economy They use wood to make fire wood. In the old days they used wood to make boats. Now they use wood for fire wood. The more people makes it harder to get from place to place.

5 Population The population density is between 0-over 250. If there are more people then stores have to get more goods. If there are more people it is harder to find a job, get around and find a nice house. The more the people it makes it harder to find natural recourses because there are so many people.

6 Weather The severe weather of the southeast region are floods. Floods are formed when too much rain falls and the water goes over the river banks. To predict floods meteorologist get signals from the satellite telling them if there going to get a lot of rain. They use satellites to predict the weather. if you have a flood go to a higher area. The climate is between 30 degrees -100 degrees.

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