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EMTA TRAINING COURSE PROPOSAL Cesare PAONESSA – AMMT Turin EMTA General Meeting – Berlin 17-19 September 2012.

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1 EMTA TRAINING COURSE PROPOSAL Cesare PAONESSA – AMMT Turin EMTA General Meeting – Berlin 17-19 September 2012

2 2 WHY ANOTHER TRAINING COURSE? Training courses in the field of public transport already exist. In particular, UITP delivers an articulated training offer that meets the expectations of institutions, operators and authorities. EMTA is the only organization addressed to (and made by) local transport authorities in big European cities. EMTA members have already established a fruitful cooperation to share statistic data (Barometer), good practices (Working Groups) and, in general, to create a network across Europe. A training course tailored to the needs of PTA’s is what is missing to complete the broad overview that EMTA already has on PT issues and wants to develop and extend in the future.

3 3 HOW WILL IT BE ORGANIZED? A series of short trainings (Two days long) to be delivered over a period of 3-4 years. WHO: Scientific partner: the Florence School of Regulation WHERE: First edition in Florence, in 2013 WHEN: Two weeks before the April 2013 General Meeting WHAT: Possible topics: A fresh look at marketing for public transport Function and technical specifications of PSO in contracts Other subjects of interest – some hints can be Land use and transport policy integration, Cooperative planning with citizens … suggestions are welcome!

4 4 THE SCIENTIFIC PARTNER The Florence School of Regulation (FSR) is a partnership between the European University Institute (EUI) / Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS), the Council of the European Energy Regulators (CEER) and the Independent Regulators Group (IRG), and it works closely with the European Commission. Its objectives are to: organize policy events dealing with key regulatory issues; provide state-of-the-art training for practitioners; produce analytical and empirical research in the field of regulation; promote networking, trough documents and ideas exchanges. Florence School of Regulation European urban Transport Regulation Forum

5 5 DRAFT SCHEDULE First day start at 11.45 to allow participants to reach Florence Second day end at 15.30 to allow participants travel back home Optional: technical visit on the second day in the afternoon First daySecond day 08.30 – 10.00Block 4 (90’) 11.45 – 12.00Welcome and introducion 10.00 – 10.20Coffee break 12.00 – 13.30Block 1 (90’)10.20 – 13.00Block 5a + 5b (160’) 13.30 – 14.30Lunch break13.00 – 14.00Lunch break 14.30 – 16.00Block 2 (90’)14.00 – 15.30Block 6 (90’) 16.00 – 16.20Coffee break Optional Technical visit 16.20 – 17.50Block 3 (90’) 20.00 – 22.30Course dinner

6 6 POSSIBLE TOPIC: PT Marketing A fresh look at marketing for public transport Block 1: elements of marketing and branding Block 2: framing the problem: the participants describe their product and respond to questions by the facilitator in order to define the characteristics of their own course project Block 3: discussions of existing actions in public transport marketing and branding Blocks 4 and 5° (taught): more elements of marketing and branding with a view to give more tools to participants to take away and to use for PT Block 5b: participants in very small groups outline a marketing strategy Block 6: discussion

7 7 POSSIBLE TOPIC: PSOs in contracts Functional and technical specifications of PSOs in contracts Describe the implementation of PSO’s specifications in contracts, what went right, what went wrong Block 1: Basics, European Regulation 1370/2007 Block 2: participants illustrate their own examples to be used as case studies in the training Block 3: (taught) details and pros/cons in specifying contracts, tendering whole networks or routes, what contracts to be used Blocks 4: (taught) very practical case studies following up from blocks 1 and 3 as well with relations to block 2 highlighted Block 5a: (taught) further theoretical block Block 5b and 6: participants in groups illustrate their work and discuss

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