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Exploratory Writing. What is Exploratory Writing? The author begins writing the work without having a definite position or attitude about the subject.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploratory Writing. What is Exploratory Writing? The author begins writing the work without having a definite position or attitude about the subject."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploratory Writing

2 What is Exploratory Writing? The author begins writing the work without having a definite position or attitude about the subject. As they are writing, they begin to form an opinion and present it in their conclusion.

3 Characteristics  Thesis is not definite  Each body paragraph explains a viewpoint on the topic  The conclusion presents the author’s final opinion about the topic  Each paragraph serves as a learning tool for the writer; as they write and research, they form their opinion. They do not form it before writing!

4 Research  Research multiple views on the topic and present them as individual body paragraphs  Cite any sources you use  Embed them to FLOW within the sentence. TEST IT: If you take the quotation marks out, it should still read like a normal, coherent sentence.

5 General Structure  Introduction  Body Paragraphs  Topic sentence that states the focused viewpoint  Source that backs up the viewpoint  Pros and cons of the viewpoint  Conclusion  Recap major viewpoints  Determine a final opinion about the topic and explain why

6 Thesis Example There are three different points of view about schooling: there are people who believe that home schooling is the best form of education, while others believe that private or public schools provide a better opportunity. **Note how an opinion is NOT stated in the thesis statement like a traditional essay. However, I can tell exactly what the three body paragraphs will entail.**

7 Outline  Once you read over the essay assignment, you are to create an outline for your essay in your CPB Assignments  Narrow down your focal topic  Begin brainstorming differing viewpoints to research tomorrow in the lab  I will check it off before the end of the class period.

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