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2015 GSCIS annual meeting, 16-20 March, 2015, New Delhi, India 1 GDWG Agenda Item New GSICS Products Masaya Takahashi, JMA CMA, CNES, EUMETSAT, ISRO, IMD,

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Presentation on theme: "2015 GSCIS annual meeting, 16-20 March, 2015, New Delhi, India 1 GDWG Agenda Item New GSICS Products Masaya Takahashi, JMA CMA, CNES, EUMETSAT, ISRO, IMD,"— Presentation transcript:

1 2015 GSCIS annual meeting, 16-20 March, 2015, New Delhi, India 1 GDWG Agenda Item New GSICS Products Masaya Takahashi, JMA CMA, CNES, EUMETSAT, ISRO, IMD, JAXA, JMA, KMA, NASA, NIST, NOAA, ROSHYDROMET, USGS, WMO

2 2015 GSCIS annual meeting, 16-20 March, 2015, New Delhi, India Overview and Purpose  Overview  Forthcoming new GSICS products in 2015 GEO-LEO-VISNIR (multiple calibration methods blended product) –Masaya Takahashi and Sebastien Wagner showed the proposal in 2014 GSICS Prime correction for GEO-LEO-IR (multiple references blended product) –Masaya Takahashi and Tim Hewison showed the proposal in 2014  Long-term plan (discussion) One GSCIS Correction file for one instrument (e.g., merge the IR product with the VIS/NIR one)  All the future products require new file naming/netCDF conventions  Purpose of this presentation  To introduce the GRWG plans/discussions/proposal  To discuss the feasibility, and accept the proposal or provide alternative solutions to GRWG 2

3 2015 GSCIS annual meeting, 16-20 March, 2015, New Delhi, India Requirements for updating the current file naming / netCDF conventions  Summary of issues on the new GSCIS products  GEO-LEO-VISNIR This algorithm type contains “multiple methods’ results” in one file Addition of the THREDDS directories is necessary GRWG requirements: GDWG to investigate the method to implement multiple calibration methods’ results in one netCDF file  GSICS Prime Correction for GEO-LEO-IR Change of file naming: slightly different file naming from existing GEO-LEO-IR This product contains “multiple references’ results” in one file Change of THREDDS directory structure is necessary GRWG requirements: GDWG to discuss whether the file naming is acceptable or not  One GSCIS Correction file for one target instrument The same issue as GEO-LEO-VISNIR product  Note  Once these variables are changed, the bias plotting tool should also be modified  Topics on the THREDDS configuration will be discussed on Thursday 6c 3 To be discussed in this session

4 2015 GSCIS annual meeting, 16-20 March, 2015, New Delhi, India GDWG Proposed Solution for issued on the new GSCIS products 4  Topic 1: How to implement multiple methods/references results in one file  S1: Use netCDF-4 “grouping” functionality (enhanced format)  S2: Use different global attributes / dimensions / variables for each inter-calibration method  S3: Produce one file for one method / reference  Topic 2: Is multiple file naming for the same algorithm type acceptable?  S1: Accept GRWG proposal (accept multiple file naming)  S2: Reject the proposal and provide alternative solution

5 2015 GSCIS annual meeting, 16-20 March, 2015, New Delhi, India Discussion topic 1: How to implement multiple methods/references results in one file 5  S1: Use netCDF-4 “grouping” functionality (enhanced format)  pros: convenient for users (?) easy-to-maintain for developers  cons: plotting tool does not support ? enhanced data model is not preferable? Why?  S2: Use different global attributes / dimensions / variables for each inter-calibration method  pros: no need to use enhanced model  cons: complicated global attributes / variables, inconvenient?  S3: Produce one file for one method / reference  pros: simple for developers  cons: inconvenient for users

6 2015 GSCIS annual meeting, 16-20 March, 2015, New Delhi, India Discussion topic 1: How to implement multiple methods/references results in one file 6  S1: Use netCDF-4 “grouping” functionality (enhanced format) Combined result (DCC+Moon+…) Global attributes, Dimensions, Variables Method1 (Deep Convective Cloud) Global attributes, Dimensions, Variables Method2 (Moon) Global attributes, Dimensions, Variables SEVIRI vs. Aqua/MODIS VISNIR product... Method3 (Desert) Global attributes, Dimensions, Variables schematic image of usage of “grouping”  S2: Use different global attributes / dimensions / variables for each method float coeff(nmethod, ncoeff, date, chan) ; offset:_FillValue = "-999999" ; offset:long_name = “Inter-calibration coefficients" ; offset:units = “W m-2 sr-1 um-1" ; double date(nmethod, date) ; standard_name: time; calendar: gregorian; units: seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z; Common variables can be merged To put method-specific variables, additional information (e.g., prefix) is necessary for variable name float dcc_mon_mode_dc(date, chan) ; float dcc_ref_mode_dc(date, chan) ; float moon_mon_irr_obs(date, chan) ; float moon_mon_irr_rolo(date, chan) ; … Prefix to distinguish the inter-calibration method

7 2015 GSCIS annual meeting, 16-20 March, 2015, New Delhi, India Discussion topic 2: Is multiple file naming for the same algorithm type acceptable? 7 1) Existing GEO-LEO-IR products One reference in one file (e.g., MSG3/SEVIRI-MetOpA/IASI, MSG3/SEVIRI-MetOpB/IASI) Need to specify the “Reference Instrument Name” in a filename e.g., W_XX-EUMETSAT-Darmstadt,SATCAL+RAC+GEOLEOIR, 2) GSICS Prime Correction (at that time, this is for GEO-LEO-IR) Multiple reference (blended results) in one file No need to specify the “Reference Instrument Name” in a filename e.g., W_XX-EUMETSAT-Darmstadt,SATCAL+RAC+GEOLEOIR, Each GPRC will continue producing 1) even if 2) is produced Any possible issues on the proposal from the GDWG point of view? If the proposal is NOT accepted, dummy reference instrument name would be added, but redundant! e.g., W_XX-EUMETSAT-Darmstadt,SATCAL+RAC+GEOLEOIR,MSG2+SEVIRI-

8 2015 GSCIS annual meeting, 16-20 March, 2015, New Delhi, India GDWG discussion on the details on the proposed solution (to be updated in the discussion)  The GDWG accepted/rejected the GRWG proposal because…  Resources Needed:  Man Days Effort: Prepare a documentation to update the GSICS bias plotting tool– 1 week. Implementation – 1 week.  HW & SW Procurements: not applicable  Input Data Acquisition Effort: not applicable  Proposed Time Scale:  GEO-LEO-VISNIR product and GEO-LEO-IR Prime Correction will become available in 2015, so this change should be done by the 2016 GSICS annual meeting  Deliverables:  New GSCIS netCDF convention for GEO-LEO-VISNIR and GEO-LEO-IR Prime Correction (,and future GSCIS products)  Updated bias plotting tool  Priority of the Task: Medium – by the next GSCIS annual meeting 8

9 2015 GSCIS annual meeting, 16-20 March, 2015, New Delhi, India Agenda item summary; assign action identifier, make EP recommendations and propose a lead for the action (to be updated in the discussion)  Action Identifier: GDWG_15.XX  Substantial effort if required by the GDWG, GDWG chair should inform this activity to GSICS Executive Panel, and ask for feedback regarding: Should GDWG resources be used to update the GSICS bias plotting tool for GSICS activities. The GDWG estimates 2 weeks of resources is needed to support this action.  Identify the Working Group Member Taking the Lead on this Action:  EUMETSAT for updating the bias plotting tool. The EP is invited to comment on this if the action is to be performed. 9

10 2015 GSCIS annual meeting, 16-20 March, 2015, New Delhi, India 10 End of Presentation: Thank you for your attention WMO GSICS Portal GSICS Coordination Centre - GSICS Product Catalog - EUMETSAT’s Data and Management Server

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