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Welcome to... A Game of X’s and O’s. 789 456 123.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to... A Game of X’s and O’s. 789 456 123."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to... A Game of X’s and O’s

2 789 456 123

3 789 456 123 Scoreboard X O Click Here if X Wins Click Here if O Wins

4 1 A thing that is tangible or intangible, that is subject to ownership is?

5 1 Property. Home

6 2 The taking back of an offer by the offeror is

7 2 revocation

8 3 Bailment ends when?

9 3 The parties mutually agree to end it. The agreed time has elapsed. The agreed purpose has been achieved.

10 4 An industry may seek to avoid the duty of care established by the common law by?

11 4 Legislation.

12 5 If a tenant fails to pay rent, the landlord may?

13 5 Sue to evict.

14 6 In some states, all property acquired during a marriage is presumed to be community property and a one-half interest in such property is owned by?

15 6 Each spouse.

16 7 Which type of intellectual property is the exclusive right to make, use, import, sell and offer a novel or new, non-obvious, useful product or process?

17 7 Patent.

18 8 Sales of goods for $500 or more must be evidenced by a writing to be enforceable in court according to?

19 8 The Statute of Fraud.

20 9 A contract that amounts to nothing and has no legal effect is

21 9 void



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