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Matching Exercise Creating User Stories Planning Poker Risk/Value Quadrant Mapping Advanced Burndown Interpretatio n Interactive.

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Presentation on theme: "Matching Exercise Creating User Stories Planning Poker Risk/Value Quadrant Mapping Advanced Burndown Interpretatio n Interactive."— Presentation transcript:

1 #pmineflconf2015 @LewisCindy

2 Matching Exercise Creating User Stories Planning Poker Risk/Value Quadrant Mapping Advanced Burndown Interpretatio n Interactive Agile Exercises

3 Trivia - Pronunciation Long a – aaagil Long i - agiiiile #pmineflconf2015 @LewisCindy

4 Matching Exercise Interactive Agile Exercise 1 #pmineflconf2015 @LewisCindy

5 Agile ApproachTraditional Scheduling individuals and interactionsprocesses and tools estimating by size - story pointsestimating by task - duration/work user storiesphases & detailed task list progress is measured by features delivered in an iteration progress is measured by tasks accomplished in a specific timeframe decisions made by team or customer decisions made by team or project manager #pmineflconf2015 @LewisCindy

6 Agile ApproachTraditional Scheduling customer is flexible and is ready to give up features when needed customer may or may not be flexible with deliverables end date is always presented as a rangeend date is clearly defined Sponsor or customer is shown results as frequently as possible, sometimes after each iteration Sponsor or customer is shown results at specific phase ending points high-level tasks are created by the team and individuals define the specific tasks they will be working on defined tasks are assigned to individuals #pmineflconf2015 @LewisCindy

7 Creating User Stories Interactive Agile Exercise 2 #pmineflconf2015 @LewisCindy

8 User Stories Who (often called role) and what Why (optional) Easy to understand Short Indicates measures of success #pmineflconf2015 @LewisCindy

9 User Story Examples (1 of 2) As a smart phone user, I want to be able to install the application. As a smart phone user, I want to be able to uninstall the application. As a business owner, I want to be able to accept credit cards. As a business owner, I want to be able to receive confidential customer feedback. #pmineflconf2015 @LewisCindy

10 User Story Examples (2 of 2) As a dog owner, I want the dog to notify me when it needs to go out. As a dog owner, I want the dog to sit when asked. As a dog owner, I don’t want the dog to bite humans. As a dog owner, I want the dog to come when called. #pmineflconf2015 @LewisCindy

11 Planning Poker Interactive Agile Exercise 3 #pmineflconf2015 @LewisCindy

12 Story Points #pmineflconf2015 @LewisCindy

13 Review Your User Stories As a dog owner, I want the dog to notify me when it needs to go out As a dog owner, I want the dog to sit when asked As a dog owner, I don’t want the dog to bite humans As a dog owner, I want the dog to come when called #pmineflconf2015 @LewisCindy

14 Planning Poker 1. Create a scale and generate voting cards for each member (1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100) 2. One person in the group describes a story (Moderator) (e.g. I just bought a puppy, it is two weeks old, and I want to train it to tell me when it needs to go out and avoid accidents) 3. Group may ask questions about the story 4. Group votes 5. High and low votes explain their reasoning 6. Group revotes and repeats process above if wide range 7. Moderator eventually helps group settle on a number (can be any number e.g. 7) #pmineflconf2015 @LewisCindy

15 Risk/Value Quadrant Mapping Interactive Agile Exercise 4 #pmineflconf2015 @LewisCindy

16 4 Quadrants of Risk/Value #pmineflconf2015 @LewisCindy

17 Kano’s Model of Customer Satisfaction #pmineflconf2015 @LewisCindy

18 Advanced Burndown Interpretation Interactive Agile Exercise 5 #pmineflconf2015 @LewisCindy

19 #pmineflconf2015 @LewisCindy Story Points Completed Iterations

20 #pmineflconf2015 @LewisCindy Iterations Revised estimate indicates more work New work/scope added

21 Guidelines X axis - horizontal, represents iterations completed Y axis - vertical, represents story points If bottom of bar is below 0, new work has been added If bottom of bar is above 0, work has been removed When work is completed, the top of the bar is lowered When work estimates have changed, the top of the bar will move up or down #pmineflconf2015 @LewisCindy

22 #pmineflconf2015 @LewisCindy


24 Matching Exercise Creating User Stories Planning Poker Risk/Value Quadrant Mapping Advanced Burndown Interpretatio n Interactive Agile Exercises

25 Agile Estimating and Planning by Mike Cohn Read the case study first!! Rated 4.6/5.0 on Amazon Preferred text for PM college students #pmineflconf2015 @LewisCindy

26 PM Network - September 2015 Issue Pages 16-17 Agile Metrics – ready to share at work “87% of respondents said implementing agile improved their ability to manage changing priorities” #pmineflconf2015 @LewisCindy

27 “ ” One division of a non-profit book printing company doubled their output in 90 days doing all agile approaches WMPMI chapter dinner in Sept 2014 Do more with less through priorities Deliver highest value first Agile #pmineflconf2015 @LewisCindy


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